Antelope Valley Press

Biden says border is secure; it’s not


Joe Biden will go down as the worst and most corrupt president in US history.

Biden claims the border is closed and secure, yet he’s allowed over 10 million to enter illegally. Joe says he has no options unless congress acts, and he blames Republican­s. Fact: When Democrats controlled Congress, they did nothing. The Republican­s passed HR2 immigratio­n reform and Chuck Schumer ignored it.

Fact: Immigratio­n law states if you cross illegally, you are to be held pending a deportatio­n hearing.

Fact: The US has 20,000 detention beds, yet less than 500 are occupied.

Fact: Joe Biden has signed 94 executive orders bypassing current immigratio­n law to include moratorium on deportatio­ns, preventing deportatio­n for criminal offenses, mass releases with no pending deportatio­n hearings, welding open border gates to allow illegals to enter, stopping remain in Mexico policy, stopping border wall constructi­on and selling 4 billion worth of pre-manufactur­ed wall as scrap.

Joe says he needs more money. Fact: Border funding under Biden has increased from $4.5 billion to $6.5 billion, but 100% went to processing, medical and transporta­tion costs, zero to security. On March 12, FBI director

Christophe­r Ray and several intelligen­ce agencies testified before Congress and stated we are at the highest risk ever due to illegal border crossings. ISIS cells are active in the US, organized Venezuelan gangs are conducting home invasions and MS-13 is increasing. People are dying and Biden does nothing.

After stating an illegal killed Lakin Riley, the next day on MSNBC, he said he regrets and said he should have said undocument­ed as he didn’t want to disrespect the killer.

Fox interviewe­d dozens of illegals and 100% stated if they could vote, Biden was their choice. And guess what, the Democrats proposed a bill for a path to citizenshi­p for all illegals.

Mike DeBry Palmdale

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