Antelope Valley Press

President told quite a few lies


I saw some of Mr. (Joe) Biden’s State of the Union address and was not impressed by his yelling, whispering (only once I think), or his bashing of everyone who does not slobber over his administra­tion and his failed policies, and his attack on the Supreme Court.

The one thing he said that I truly believe is “You love your country, even when you lose,” or words that mean exactly that. Good one, Mr. President. Remember that in November, Sir.

He lied on a number of “truths.” Total jobs created: Most of those in his first 18 months or so were companies and businesses rehiring those who lost jobs, due to his orders to close many down, and you lemmings know that. Economy: Gas is up 42% since he was sworn in. Food is still up over 30%, and it’s not chips. Housing costs are up to double for rents and payments. Even a child knows if your salary drops and all items necessary to live each month are way up, you either lose your home, overextend your credit cards or move in with mommy. Sadly, far too many Americans have found themselves in these predicamen­ts.

Illegals: He does have the power; he just refuses to do it, Why? Because it will show America, that Mr. Trump, his “predecesso­r,” was (gasp!) right — as he was on energy, etc. Otherwise, the executive orders, 97 in 100 days, would not have changed anything for the worse. Which, by and large, most of them did and again your kids and grandkids know this, Why? Because they are the ones “on the hook” to pay for Mr. Biden’s failed policies.

Sadly, there are many more things I could say, but if these don’t get you to at least look back, compare today with 2017 and later, up to the pandemic, and you are actually better off, vote that way. But if you are paying what most Americans are paying, up to $11,400 more a year, to equal your lifestyle in 2020, then wise up — a change at the top is in order. Vote that way.

Thank you for reading this. For some, it’s dribble; for others, it’s right on. For even others, it’s food for thought, and will prompt them to look deeper into what socialcrat­s say and what I say. One thing: Mine is mine, from living the last seven years. Not talking heads on American hating cable networks and the big three.

Skip Thacker


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