Antelope Valley Press

Reason for faith in Christ


Awriter wrote in to ask why believe Christiani­ty and not something else, supposing it was just what we were taught growing up.

While, no doubt true for some, there are many different ways someone accepts Christ. I grew up in a non-religious Jewish household. When I was 19, my friend, who grew up Catholic, took me to a Christian Church. I heard God’s message of salvation through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and accepted it.

I had no great revelation at the time, but thought at the time that if it is true I do want to be saved — a pretty mercenary view, I know. Since that time (many years), I have seen, what is to me, clear evidence that God exists, that we need a savior and Jesus Christ is that Savior.

Could I prove it to you? Absolutely not. There is still faith operating: “Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen” (Heb 11:1). I will tell you though that all human beings have faith in abundance.

Some, for example, believe in evolution; that all living things developed over millions of years from a single cell that popped into existence from the primordial ooze. Evolution is just a theory, created by man. There is no concrete evidence for it. Interestin­gly, this is the exact opposite of how the Bible explains how life came into existence. It indicates that God is eternal and that He created all things, each after its own kind (Genesis Chapter 1).

I can’t prove either theory of creation but, to me, it’s more believable that God is eternal, and that he created each living thing after its own kind, than to believe that from the same single cell came: the ant, roach, bee, daisy, redwood, tumbleweed, goldfish, shark, lobster, mouse, whale, human being and the other 2 million species on earth.

I encourage all to recognize that we human beings know very little and consequent­ly we take many things on faith. The Bible, written by different people via the inspired Word of God across 1,500 years, tells a consistent message about God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. I encourage you to accept it on Faith, read the Bible and pray and God will reveal it to you, for this is how you will learn that it is true.

Keith Topel Lancaster

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