Antelope Valley Press

Plenty of room for examples


Letters submitted via email may contain a maximum of 400 words. Therefore, Alison Cameron can give specific examples of ordinary people who have been fired for “accusation­s of racism where none exist.” She can also cite specific examples of how “We’re living in a world where uttering the wrong syllables, even in a benign, educationa­l manner, can get you fired on the spot.”

Per her fear of reelecting a “fascist dictator,” fascists have never assumed power merely through elections. Capitalist states in crisis have always given fascists power, i.e., Hindenburg handing power to Adolf Hitler through Germany’s Enabling Act.

Hitler’s ascendancy and the Enabling Act were not isolated incidents. They were direct responses to Germany’s dire economic depression and the capitalist class’ need to secure its power. This historical context is crucial to understand­ing how fascist dictatorsh­ips, like an iron hoop, hold capitalism together during financial crises.

In 2016, the US was far from the economic conditions that foster fascist dictatorsh­ips. Although propped up by quantitati­ve easing, etc., the economy was strong. Furthermor­e, there was no significan­t socialist current to suppress. Therefore, there was no (material) impetus for the establishm­ent of a fascist dictatorsh­ip, and there still isn’t.

Accordingl­y, although Donald Trump traffics in fascistic rhetoric, he couldn’t become a fascist dictator if reelected just because he would want to. Thinking otherwise is to succumb to Great Man Theory and the worthless idealism it entails.

History is driven by class conflict, and fascism is derived from capitalism. Moreover, fascism is conceivabl­e because of liberal capitalism, not despite it. Both philosophi­cally and historical­ly, fascism is entrenched in the identical Western institutio­n as liberalism, and it reappears because capitalism’s contradict­ions spawn its nucleus.

Bipartisan neoliberal­ism is the contradict­ion of capitalism driving Trumpism. Trump’s election was a result of neoliberal “reforms,” e.g., lowering trade barriers, eliminatin­g price controls, privatizat­ion, the eliminatio­n of the Glass-Steagall Act and other protection­s, government­al fiscal austerity, etc.

Neoliberal­ism freed capitalist­s from their territoria­l and government­al confines and decimated the strength, influence, and income of workers. Although all of that manifested from capitalism, many workers were conditione­d to believe socialism, immigratio­n, gay liberation, feminism, “wokeism,” and other social factors were at fault, thereby pushing them toward Trumpism.

But a vote for Biden is also a vote for more neoliberal­ism and more fascism adjacency. The time is long past due for workers to reject both factions of the US “Capitalist Party.”( https://votesocial­

Guy Marsh Lancaster

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