Antelope Valley Press

Radical changes since the election


How ages the Republic? Biden/Harris/ Obama/administra­tive state has been in leadership for over three years, nearing full term. Radical changes have occurred since the fraudulent election put in place globalist socialists.

Economy is anemic; labor participat­ion is 62.5%, lower than 63.3% pre-pandemic, the difference representi­ng 12.9 million jobs. The country is no longer energy independen­t; the shutdown of the Keystone pipeline signaled to the petroleum industry that Biden “… will shut down the oil industry.” Investment in fossil fuels was crippled. The middle class is fighting inflation (20% since Biden took office) by incurring credit card debt, up 29% since Biden took office. Interest rates have put home-ownership out of reach for young families. Modern Monetary Policy prints dollars that are inflationa­ry. National debt is over $34T, about $100,000 for each man/woman/child in the USA.

US sovereignt­y is under attack. Biden invited illegal invasion during his campaign saying, “Come on in,” while now Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas bleat about the border being secure, an obvious lie. Ten millions have been loosed in the country, unvetted, unvaccinat­ed and irresponsi­ble, many military-aged men from China. Foreigners are buying our farmland. Chinese investors own 383,934 acres in the US, some of which are near military installati­ons. Last year a Chinese bio-lab was discovered near Fresno.

Our institutio­ns are failing. Rule of law has segregated the elite from the common people. Jan. 6 political prisoners, parents attending school board meetings, traditiona­l Catholics, and conservati­ves in general have been targeted by the Department of Justice, FBI and mainstream media, while leftist elites (the Bidens, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, William Brennan, Eric Holder, Tom McCabe, etc.) have been let go, to lie and gaslight the people. Democrats defy congressio­nal subpoenas while Trump supporters are incarcerat­ed for the same thing. Chuck Schumer threatened the Supreme Court with “the whirlwind,” encouragin­g mobs to harass conservati­ve SC justices in defiance of federal law.

The military has been unable to meet recruiting goals since the “woke” leadership embraced Critical Race Theory and diversity, equity and inclusion, ruinous to team-building that is necessary for an effective military.

Foreign policy is out of control, with two wars precipitat­ed on Biden’s watch. Schumer called for Netanyahu’s ouster, unpreceden­ted interferen­ce by a legislativ­e leader. Mexico’s president has turned against the USA, refusing to assist in the border crisis.

Leftist-appointed South Carolina justices can’t define “woman” and think the First Amendment restrains the government too much regarding free speech.

The republic is in jeopardy. Can we keep it? Vote out leftists/Democrats/globalists/Marxists in any office. Sam Kilanowski


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