Argus Leader



letters to the editor for Nov. 19, 2023:

It's not the messaging, it's the policy

The US supreme court over turned Roe V Wade and sent the decision to the states. Then, after Ohio and other states voted overwhelmi­ngly to put Roe V Wade in their constituti­on the Right is panicking and talking about how they need to “improve their messaging and spend more money to get their message out.”

This shows how out of touch the “pro-life” GOPers are: It's NOT the messaging, it's the actual policy people disagree with.

It's not about if or when abortion is right or wrong. It is about WHO has the right to make that DECISION.

People do NOT want government to have the power to make this personal, and often painful, decision for women. How can the (so – called) party of ‘freedom' and ‘small government' not understand this?

Currently in SD there is a group called “Decline to Sign” that is trying to interfere with the right of SD Citizens to even vote on this issue. They have been harassing people gathering signatures and spreading misinforma­tion. They claim that this will let women “Kill babies” right up to the moment of birth. What they don't tell you is that this DOESN'T HAPPEN! No women is going to carry a baby up to 9 months then change her mind! Late term abortions happen when something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy and it's needed for health reasons or unviable pregnancie­s.

Those mothers wanted that pregnancy!

The Decline to Sign group also doesn't mention that Roe V Wade ALLOWS legislator­s to enact regulation­s to 2nd and third trimester abortions as long as there are exceptions for the health of the mother.

The extremists in our state will pull out all the dirty tricks to prevent voters from having their voices heard because they know that the majority of people in SD don't think the decision to have an abortion belongs to the politician­s. If they really were pro-life they would tackle the #1 killer of American children: gun violence!

−Sheryl Johnson, Sioux Falls

Protect this Deadwood school

There is a smoke shop and bar operating in the Masonic Temple about 15 yards from the Deadwood Elementary School. This has created a degrading environmen­t for children.

It is stunning that the Masons/Shriners would lease their space to a vice business so close to an elementary school. The school makes great efforts through the DARE and curriculum to teach healthy lifestyles.

This does not bode well for a school district with dwindling enrollment and making efforts to attract new members to the community.

Secondly, Deadwood city officials summarily approved this business with very little public input or consultati­on with the school. Deadwood City officials have disregarde­d the customary philosophy of providYour ing a wholesome environmen­t for children.

I am calling on the city to enact a zoning ordinance that would provide a non-vice buffer zone to prevent further expansion of Gaming, Liquor, and Tobacco enterprise­s from further encircling the Deadwood Elementary School.

Without this action the city is, by an act of omission, dismantlin­g the fabric of the community. Deadwood hangs its hat on historic preservati­on. Now is time to take steps to preserve the historic integrity of its elementary school.

− Ron Pray, Deadwood

How to submit a letter to the editor:

Letters need to be roughly 300 to 500 words, and will need to include first and last name, address, city and title. Addresses won't be publicized, of course, but it's a way for us to make sure those who submit a letter are who they say they are.

Letters will run on Sundays in print and online as we receive them. There may be moments, however, when we don't have any as we work to solicit interest and actively rebuild this part of our coverage for readers.

You can submit those to News Director Shelly Conlon by emailing sconlon@argusleade­ or submit them through our online form here, which also is sent directly to the news director.

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