Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Dog’s yawn telling, study says

In reprise of human act, scientists see emotional link


Yawn next to your dog, and it will likely do the same. Though it seems simple, that contagious behavior is actually quite remarkable. Only a few animals do it, and only dogs cross the species barrier.

Now a new study finds that dogs yawn even when they only hear the sound of humans yawning, the strongest evidence yet that canines may be able to empathize with people.

Besides people and dogs, contagious yawning has been observed in gelada baboons, stump-tail macaques and chimpanzee­s. Humans tend to yawn more with friends and acquaintan­ces, suggesting that “catching” someone’s yawn may be tied to feelings of empathy. Similarly, some studies have found that dogs tend to yawn more after watching familiar people yawning. But it is unclear whether the canine behavior is linked to empathy as it is in people. One clue might be if even the mere sound of a human yawn elicited yawning in dogs.

To that end, scientists at the University of Porto in Portugal recruited 29 dogs, all of which had lived for at least six months with their owners. To reduce anxiety, the study was performed in familiar rooms in the dogs’ homes and in the presence of a known person but with no visual contact with their owners.

The team, led by behavioral biologist Karine Silva, recorded yawning sounds of the dogs’ owners and an unfamiliar woman as well as an artificial control sound consisting of a computer-reversed yawn. (To help induce natural yawning, volunteers listened to an audio loop of prerecorde­d yawns over headphones.) Each dog heard all of the sounds in two sessions, each carried out seven days apart.

During the sessions, the researcher­s measured the number of elicited yawns by dogs in response to sounds from known and unknown people.

As the team will report in the July issue of Animal Cognition, 12 out of 29 dogs yawned during the experiment. On average, canines yawned five times more often when they heard humans they knew yawning as opposed to control sounds. “These results suggest that dogs have the capacity to empathize with humans,” Silva said.

That’s not surprising, she said. People first began domesticat­ing dogs at least 15,000 years ago, and since then they’ve been bred to perform increasing­ly complex tasks, from hunting to guiding the blind. That close relationsh­ip may have fostered cross-species empathy over the millennia.

“This study tells us something new about the mechanisms underlying contagious yawning in dogs,” said Evan Mclean, a PH.D. student at Duke University’s Canine Cognition Center in Durham, N.C., who was not part of the study. “As in humans, dogs can catch this behavior using their ears alone.” Still, he notes, the experiment­s don’t tell us much about the nature of empathy in dogs. “Do they think about our emotions and internal states the way we do as humans?”

Adam Miklssi, an ethologist (animal-behavior researcher) at the Evtvvs Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary agrees. “Using behaviors as indicators will only show some similarity in behavior,” he says, “but it will never tell us whether canine empathy, whatever this is, matches human empathy.” Previous work has shown, for example, that when dogs look guilty, they may not actually be feeling guilty. “Dogs can simulate very well different forms of social interest that could mislead people to think they are controlled by the same mental processes,” says Miklssi, “but they may not always understand the complexity of human behavior.”

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