Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Moment of reflection


Here’s a challenge to the heart of America in all of us:

This Memorial Day, take a moment to actually see and feel the heart-stopping display of American flags while driving by First Baptist Church on Rodney Parham in Little Rock. Then, breathe in a gulp of pure freedom and treasure that lump in your throat called patriotism.

This Memorial Day, seek out a veteran or the family of an armed service person and openly honor them for our debt of gratitude. They grab fear by the neck and cast it aside for us every day so that we may live and speak freely. And, when reading about casualties, remember that they are not just troops, they are the sons and daughters of all of us, fighting for our lives and privileges.

This Memorial Day, reflect on the saints who have gone before us and served us so selflessly. Thank the bigger-than-life men like Jennings Osborne who lighted our world, threw countless everyman barbecues and taught us by example with his random acts of kindness. Or, think about fiercely gracious ladies like Jane Krutz who tirelessly lobbied to bring AETN to our state, arts to our schools and charity to our lost and least.

This Memorial Day, let’s remember that we are a people like no other, united in a stunningly faithful and free country. Then, actually sing and feel the words to our spirit-stirring “Star Spangled Banner.”

We are the land of the free because we are the home of the brave. RITA MITCHELL-HARVEY

Little Rock

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