Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Rude drivers are issue


I never thought I would write a letter to a newspaper, but I read a letter that really set me off—the one from Dee Ray about drivers in wonderful central Arkansas.

It sounds like maybe he intended it to be about all of us not from there. We go there for many reasons, to go to one of the many medical hospitals, sports events or just for pleasure. Millions of our dollars are spent there for countless reasons. Many of us are going to Children’s Hospital or to the Veterans Hospital.

We don’t know all the streets and have to watch for signs while traveling anywhere from 65 to 75 miles an hour. We see drivers coming up a ramp to cut in front of us as if we don’t have any right to slow down just in case they cut us off. I am not an intruder. I am trying to get to where I’m going in one piece since they don’t seem to see me driving beside them.

People go to Little Rock from all over this state and other states, some just passing through. But one thing is for sure—they won’t forget driving in the Little Rock area and the rude people who want us to get out of the way.

It’s rush hour! How can you really tell? It seems like it’s rush hour 24/7.

I hope Ray doesn’t take offense to this letter like I did to the one he wrote. Drive safe and hopefully we will all have a safe trip there and back. LILLA WATSON


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