Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Author builds yoga workout using six poses


Ingrid Yang turned to yoga a dozen years ago as a way to deal with injuries she got as a distance runner.

“When I started stretching and doing some strength training — not with weights, but with my own body weight — I noticed I was becoming injured less and less,” the Chicago resident says of her introducti­on to yoga.

Soon after, she started teaching yoga, eventually owning her own studio and teaching classes on both coasts. Yang has also, with coauthor Daniel Dituro, recently released the book Hatha Yoga Asanas.

“Coming from my background, a Type A, looking ahead, pushing ahead, wanting to achieve things, I charge into the future, have to succeed,” she says. “That often puts you in a position where you’re never satisfied or happy as you are. Yoga for me is very appealing because it’s very healing emotionall­y. I realized I was complete and whole as I am. There’s nothing wrong with me. It’s OK to have goals, but yoga allows a sense of well-being.

“That’s what sets it apart from all other physical exercises, that sense of well-beingness, enoughness.”

Yang has recommende­d six poses, with a flexible regimen. “It’s up to the individual,” Yang says. “Consistenc­y will offer more results, as with anything.”

She suggests doing the poses daily — some or all, depending on your needs and ability.

Do them daily, and you should notice a difference in less than a week. DOWNWARD-FACING DOG Start on your hands and knees.

Lift the hips up and back to straighten your legs. Keep your arms straight with your chest relaxing back toward your feet and head between your arms.

“If you’re sitting at a computer all day, downward-facing dog is good because it stretches your legs and back,” Yang says.


From standing, lunge the feet apart and turn the back foot out at a 90-degree angle.

Extend the arms out to the sides and gaze over your front hand.

Warrior Two opens the hips, strengthen­s the legs and arms.


With feet hip-width apart, sit back into the hips and bend the knees.

Reach the arms overhead with the shoulders relaxing down.

Chair pose strengthen­s the quadriceps and gluteus maximus.

PIGEON No yoga routine would be complete without a hip opener, Yang believes.

With the right foot forward in a low lunge, walk the foot to the left and relax your knee and shin to the mat.

You may immediatel­y feel a stretch in the outer hip, but if it is too intense or bothers your front knee, roll a blanket under the right hip. Switch sides for balance.

“If you run a lot, pigeon is a good one because it stretches the outside of the hips,” Yang says. “These poses are great if you just wake up in the morning, or as part of your workout stretching.”

Pigeon stretches the gluteus muscles and iliotibial band.

TRIANGLE From Warrior Two, straighten the front leg, reach the upper body forward and stretch the front hand down to the ankle.

Reach the other hand up to the sky with opposing force and keep the hips tucked under so they are in line with the legs and torso.

Triangle strengthen­s the core, especially the back and sides of the body, and challenges your balance.

BOAT Starting from seated, bend the knees into the chest and extend the feet forward.

Reach the fingers alongside the knees and keep the belly in and chest lifted.

Boat strengthen­s the abdominal muscles.

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