Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR READERS: Who knew so many readers had hints about recycling insulated foam boxes? Here is a small sample:

Sonia in Nebraska says, “Foam boxes are perfect for protecting breakable items when traveling or shipping.” Pam in Maryland says: “My husband came up with a game where the grandkids s tack them to the ceiling, then get to knock them down. The fun lasts forever.”

Michele in New Hampshire says, “Why not donate them to Meals on Wheels or a similar program?”

Victoria in Washington says, “Insulated boxes are great for arts-and-crafts projects at schools and day-care centers.”

Diane, via e-mail, says, “This past Christmas, my neighbor lady wrapped festive bows around them to look like presents and placed them outside among her shrubbery as decoration­s.”

Lynn in Maryland says, “I have used foam coolers to provide a home-cooked meal to new parents or parents-to-be.”

These are all great hints! Keep them coming! Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or e-mail

DEAR READERS: Uses for popcorn cans, from a reader in Kansas:

As recycling or trash containers. As storage for pet food. As storage for seasonal decoration­s.

To hold umbrellas or walking sticks.

As storage for sewing supplies.

DEAR HELOISE: My keyboard console slides out. It was constantly sliding back while I was working, and it was becoming a big hassle. I took an extra-large binder clip, found at any office-supply store, and clipped it to the track after sliding the keyboard out. Now it stays in place, and my work isn’t interrupte­d.

— Colleen in Colorado

DEAR HELOISE: After adhesive bandages are removed from my grandchild­ren’s scrapes and bruises, there is a residue that is very difficult to remove. Any suggestion­s?

— A Reader, via e-mail DEAR READER: Try either baby oil or lotion. Apply a generous amount to the bandage before removal or on the residue that is left behind. Let soak for a little while, then gently remove the bandage or glue.

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