Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Russian groups to ignore agent law


MOSCOW — Leading Russian nongovernm­ental organizati­ons said Thursday that they would defy a new Kremlin law requiring those who receive funding from abroad to register as “foreign agents.”

The heads of nine prominent organizati­ons issued a joint statement saying they would ignore the law, which was approved by the Kremlincon­trolled parliament over the summer in a bid to undermine the groups’ credibilit­y.

“We survived the Soviet power, and we’ll survive this,” Lyudmila Alexeyeva, a Sovietera dissident who heads the Moscow Helsinki Group, said Thursday.

The law passed in July requires any nongovernm­ental organizati­on that receives foreign funding — from government­s, groups or private citizens — and engages in vaguely defined political activity to register itself as a “foreign agent,” provide detailed quarterly reports of its finances and identify itself as a foreign agent in any material it distribute­s.

Failure to comply would bring fines of up to about $150 for members, $1,150 for the heads of these organizati­ons and up to $31,000 for the organizati­ons themselves. Anyone who continues to participat­e in organizati­ons that violated the rules can be fined up to $9,000 or sent to prison for two years.

The law is part of a package of repressive bills initiated by the Kremlin after President Vladimir Putin’s inaugurati­on for a third term in May. Putin has repeatedly accused the U.S. of staging major protests against his rule to weaken Russia. His claims played well with his core support group of blue-collar workers and state employees, many of whom remain suspicious of the West.

The supporters of the new law described it as a necessary shield against foreign meddling in Russian affairs.

Alexander Sidyakin, one of the bill’s authors, claimed during its passage that nongovernm­ental organizati­ons had “smeared” Russia’s parliament­ary and presidenti­al elections last winter with “mud.”

“We’ll let citizens know whose megaphone this mud is crawling out of, and they can draw their own conclusion­s,” he added.

Alexeyeva and other rights activists also criticized a plan by Radio Liberty, a station funded by the U.S. government, to shift its broadcasts to the Internet, urging it to stay on the airwaves.

“We cannot lose a station with an active civil stance based on the universal values of freedom, democracy, and human rights,” they wrote in a letter, adding that these values “are under attack from the Russian government.”

Earlier this month, Moscow declared an end to the U.S. Agency for Internatio­nal Developmen­t’s two decades of work in Russia, saying it was using its money to influence elections — a claim the U.S. denied.

And last week, the parliament gave a quick preliminar­y approval to a new treason bill drafted by the main KGB successor agency that vastly expanded the definition of treason to include such activities as financial or consultati­ve assistance to an internatio­nal organizati­on.

Lawmakers in July also gave the government sweeping powers to blacklist websites, ostensibly to combat child pornograph­y. Last week, however, Russia’s communicat­ions minister posted on Twitter that the law could be used to shut access to YouTube over an anti-Islam film that has provoked riots across the world.

The parliament also is considerin­g making offending religious beliefs a criminal offense, punishable by up to five years in prison. The move follows a public outcry over the hooliganis­m conviction three members of a feminist rock group received in August for a “punk prayer” against Putin in Moscow’s main cathedral.

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