Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Greece’s leaders agree on cuts

Coalition government moves to trim $14.8 billion in spending


ATHENS, Greece — Greece’s coalition government reached a “basic agreement” Thursday on a new round of harsh austerity cuts demanded by its internatio­nal lenders.

Consenus had to be reached on the measures, secured after weeks of fruitless efforts, or Greece would have been cut off from vital bailout loans that it needs to pay its way and keep it in the 17-country group that uses the euro.

Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras said the long-delayed agreement placed him in a stronger negotiatin­g position ahead of talks Monday with representa­tives of the country’s bailout creditors, who will have the final word on the cutbacks.

He said Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’ deliberati­ons with the heads of his two junior coalition partners resulted in “a basic agreement” on the measures intended to ax some $14.8 billion off state spending in 2013-14.

Under its bailout commitment­s, the government must also increase state revenue by an additional $2.6 billion over the next two years through tax change and improved tax collection.

The three-party meeting came a day after more than 50,000 anti-austerity protesters took to the streets of Athens, in a demonstrat­ion marred by clashes between hooded youths, some throwing Molotov cocktails, and police.

Greece has relied on internatio­nal bailouts since May 2010. In return, it imposed a punishing austerity program, repeatedly lowering incomes and raising taxes and retirement ages. The new measures are expected to include further pension and salary cuts and raise the age of retirement from 65 to 67.

Parliament is expected to vote on the cutbacks between Oct. 8, when eurozone finance ministers meet in Luxembourg, and the Oct. 18-19 European Union summit, a Greek government official said.

The government should easily win the vote, despite fierce opposition from anti-austerity parties and potential dissenting votes, as it controls 178 of the house’s 300 seats.

Approval from EU, Internatio­nal Monetary Fund and European Central Bank officials monitoring the country’s threeyear effort to right its finances will allow the disburseme­nt of $40 billion, expected after midOctober.

With that money, the payment of which was delayed for months after two successive national elections in May and June, Greece will complete the recapitali­zation of its battered banking system and pay off longoutsta­nding debts to domestic suppliers.

Without the cash, the country would have trouble paying its bills. That could force Greece to default on its debts and, possibly, ditch the euro.

The conservati­ve-led coalition has been debating the new cutbacks for about two months, but a deal was delayed by opposition from the two center-left junior partners — coupled with disagreeme­nts with European Union, Internatio­nal Monetary Fund and European Central Bank austerity inspectors.

Fotis Kouvelis, head of the small Democratic Left party,

1 said after Thursday’s 2 ⁄ 2- hour talks that, despite the overall agreement, “some issues are still outstandin­g.”

And Socialist Pasok leader Evangelos Venizelos said he would “struggle to the end to ensure that these measures are not across the board and are fair ... and that they are truly the last,” as Samaras has pledged.

 ?? AP/THANASSIS STAVRAKIS ?? Greek Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras talks to reporters after a meeting with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and the heads of the two junior coalition parties at Maximos Mansion in Athens on Thursday.
AP/THANASSIS STAVRAKIS Greek Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras talks to reporters after a meeting with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and the heads of the two junior coalition parties at Maximos Mansion in Athens on Thursday.

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