Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Education on Taliban’s enemy list

96 schools in Pakistan hit this year as fear weighs on kids, parents


SWABI, Pakistan — Under a torrid sun on a parched patch of dirt, 65 young boys and girls wiped sweat from their foreheads and struggled to concentrat­e on their studies. There were no blackboard­s, no desks.

Nearby, their white tworoom country school sat abandoned, shrapnel holes gouged into the exterior. The roof and walls had cracked, making the building too dangerous to use, the result of a homemade bomb detonated by the Taliban on the school’s porch.

“Everything was fine here,” said 9-year-old Fazl Qadeem, squatting on the ground with his lesson book in hand. “And they destroyed it.”

The Taliban angered millions of Pakistanis and people around the world in October when its gunmen attempted to kill Malala Yousufzai, a 15-year-old girl who publicly championed the education of girls. But that attack was just one small piece of a long campaign against the country’s education system.

School buildings like the one in Swabi are blown up with astonishin­g regularity: 96 were damaged or destroyed by militants this year, according to Human Rights Watch, a rate of more than two per week. Last year, 152 schools were hit. Militants have targeted school buses, teachers, headmaster­s, even a provincial education minister.

The damage is palpable and far-reaching, especially in northweste­rn Pakistan, where the Taliban maintains its nerve centers.

For parents like Sher Zameer, whose son survived a Taliban ambush of a school bus a year ago that killed the driver and four boys, the joy of watching his son go to class has turned to dread. “We don’t want our kids to get killed for the sake of education,” he said. “After this attack, the enthusiasm is gone.”

At least 600,000 children in northweste­rn Pakistan have missed a year or more of school because of militant attacks or threats, according to the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, an Islamabad-based nongovernm­ental group. In neighborho­ods hit by school bombings, parents are pulling their children out of classrooms. More than half the schools destroyed in the northwest have yet to be rebuilt. Teachers in conflict zones have sought transfers to safer areas, leading to a shortage of instructor­s.

In a country where half its 180 million people are under 17, large numbers of uneducated or poorly educated Pakistanis provide ideal fodder for myriad militant groups as well as a rapt audience for hard-line religious clerics who preach intoleranc­e and extremism.

“When the quality of education suffers, you always have a generation of children growing up frustrated and angry,” said Zarina Jillani, executive director of the children’s rights society. “A generation of children is being created without any real hope for the future. You can imagine the ramificati­ons of that.”

The Pakistani Taliban are an amalgam of militant factions bent on toppling the government and imposing Islamic law. It regards government education as secular and therefore un-Islamic.

“Their view of education is that it should be largely limited to the Koran, as it’s understood by them,” said Ali Dayan Hasan, Pakistan director for Human Rights Watch.

The shooting of Malala illustrate­d the Taliban’s opposition to girls’ education. She was only 11 when she wrote in a BBC blog about the Taliban decree against girls attending school in the Swat Valley, her home. Taliban gunmen boarded her school bus and shot her in the head Oct. 9. She survived and is recovering in a British hospital.

The Taliban’s deep animosity for girls’ education reflects the group’s desire to thwart any kind of empowermen­t of women, Jillani said. “It’s part of an overall oppression of women,” she said. “The right for a woman to marry who she wants, her right to inheritanc­e — it’s all part of it.”

But the bombings, which almost always occur at night when children are not present, target boys’ as well as girls’ schools.

“They want to throw us back into the Stone Age,” said Sardar Hussain Babak, education minister for Khyber-Pakhtunkhw­a province, home to the Swat Valley and Pakistan’s tribal areas. “If there is no education, extremism and religious fanaticism will rule. This is clear. So they don’t want people to be educated; they don’t want them to be informed.”

In Swabi, teachers kept classes going for dozens of children between the ages of 5 and 10 but had to move them outside.

“God knows why they do it,” instructor Mohammed Tayyib said of the Taliban. “As a teacher, it’s very frustratin­g. We’re trying our best, but it has definitely affected my level of motivation. And it has done the same to the students.”

When police do make arrests, said Babak, the provincial education minister, judges often release the suspects weeks later, citing shoddy investigat­ive work. He can attest to that firsthand.

Last year, militants attacked his convoy in the middle of the night, spraying his car with bullets, one of which fractured a bone in his right hand. Several suspects were captured, but a court released them three months later.

The Taliban also claimed responsibi­lity for attacking a bus carrying Sher Zameer’s son and other students home from Khyber Model School outside Peshawar in September 2011, calling it retaliatio­n for a decision by tribal leaders from the suburb of Mattani to form anti-Taliban militias. The militias had set up checkpoint­s around villages served by the school, said Asghar Khan, whose only son, Mohammed Naveed Khan, was one of those killed.

A dozen black-clad militants crouched in wait behind a roadside berm and opened fire when the bus drove by, so crowded that children were clinging to the roof and sides. The attackers killed the driver first, then shot out the tires. They pumped hundreds of AK-47 rounds and fired rockets at screaming boys and girls who leaped onto the road and sprinted for cover.

No one has been charged. It took survivors months to overcome their fear. Zameer’s son, 15-year-old Arshad Alam, was out of class for 10 weeks. “Every time I thought of restarting school, images from the attack would replay in my mind and keep me from going back,” he said.

Mohammed Zarshad, injured by shrapnel that pierced his hands and sheared off part of his right ear, didn’t go back for seven months.

Said Khoan: “It’s not acceptable in any society for people to attack schoolchil­dren or schools. One of the dead was a 5-year-old child. What did that boy do to deserve being killed?”

 ??  ?? A Pakistani policeman stands guard in mid-October outside the school attended by Taliban shooting victim Malala Yousufzai in Mingora in the Swat Valley.
A Pakistani policeman stands guard in mid-October outside the school attended by Taliban shooting victim Malala Yousufzai in Mingora in the Swat Valley.

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