Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Riders on the storm relying on Tweets, Jif


As I write this, it’s hours before Sandy — also known as Sally (keep reading) — will make her much-anticipate­d entrance. Right now, we wait. With peanut butter. At least that is what my folks in Baltimore are doing. I called in a panic to make sure my parents were properly prepared — gassedup autos, charged phones, batteries, radios, flashlight­s, water, food — for the worst.

Dad said they have peanut butter. A big jar of peanut butter. Shrug. Dad fought in Vietnam. Nothing really rattles him. Except really substantia­l stuff — wobbly table legs and incorrectl­y folded towels.

With my family well-protected — or at least well-proteined — I could focus my attention on my celebrity brothers and sisters.

How were the famous faring before the storm?

They were all a-Twitter. m Actor Kevin Spacey reported he was “Riding out the storm in Baltimore. Everyone be safe.” Kevin, my parents would love to have you over for dinner — if you bring some jelly! m Tom Bergeron (host of Dancing With the Stars) joked, “Do these Hurricane Sandy reporters really need to be outside telling us not to be outside. Isn’t this how the Darwin Awards are won?” It’s also how his other show — America’s Funniest Home Videos — gets its material. m Speaking of DWTS, contestant Kirstie Alley urged her followers “Keep safe !!!!” How selfless of the actress! Oh, wait, there’s more for her dance competitio­n fans: “Those who aren’t at risk … please keep @MaksimC and I safe…:)…” m Some celebritie­s’ thoughts turned to food. Michelle Trachtenbe­rg ( Gossip Girl actress) Tweeted: “You know NYC

is on hurricane watch when the bread isle at the grocery store is empty. Don’t think that would be the case in carb fearing LA!” m Caroline Manzo (cast member of Real Housewives of New Jersey) reported she was ready with all the important essentials: “I have a generator — the ice cream is safe everyone.” m Another Jersey-ite, Jenni “JWoww” Farley of The Jersey Shore, said: “Jersey stay strong we got this ... play in the puddles afterwards like we did as kids.” After all, the Jersey Shore weathered Hurricane Snooki, etc., just fine. m Others — OK, it was just Martha Stewart — turned her thoughts to ... gardening? She Tweeted: “i am doing last minute errands — trying (sic) up top heavy topiaries, wisteria vines, extra heavy apple branches.” We expected the calm, composed Stewart to trade her wisteria for hysteria? m Ice T’s wife Coco (from E’s Ice Loves Coco) said she found the prospect of a Frankensto­rm not chilling, but thrilling: “I’m obsessed with Hurricane Sandy. I just love weather! The eye of the storm is coming straight towards me!! So exciting! Am I insane? I’m ready.” Um, what does Coco have in her cocoa?

In this time of heightened anxiety, an unlikely subject stepped up to serve as the voice of reason. m Lindsay Lohan (actress/ trainwreck): “WHY is everyone in SUCH a panic about hurricane (i’m calling it Sally)..? Stop projecting negativity! Think positive and pray for peace.”

Indeed. May everyone find positivity, prayer and peace in this ordeal.

And maybe some peanut butter.


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