Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Tips to jump-start your body tune-up


There’s no time like the present to begin eating more healthfull­y:

1. Freshen up your food life.

Keep fresh fruit, whole-grain crackers, fiber-rich cookie bars, nuts and fresh vegetables on hand.

A handful of pecans or almonds before heading out to dinner can calm your appetite so you don’t dive into the chips the minute you arrive.

Look for more healthful options on restaurant menus.

2. Recognize barriers.

It’s tough to say no to favorites like chocolate fudge and creamy, cheesy hot artichoke dip. Know your splurge foods and resolve to enjoy them in small quantities.

Use a small plate to serve yourself. Research shows that your mind will think it looks like a lot more food than the same amount on a large plate.

3. Enjoy the taste of eating right.

Deviled eggs, steamed shrimp, roast beef and chicken on skewers often served at dinner parties are all diet-friendly, lean protein choices.

4. Start new habits.

Keep a list of what you’re eating and drinking for a few days. This snapshot will help you keep track of overindulg­ent occasions.

Write down physical activity. Did you take the stairs instead of the escalator at the mall? That counts.

5. Have a plan.

Schedule time to take a walk or go to a fitness class. If you’re attending a potluck, take the salad or vegetable side dish.

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