Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: We recently visited my parents’ grave. We noticed that there is a lot of mold on the headstone. Could you tell me how to remove it?

— Peggy in Arkansas DEAR READER: Make sure the stone really needs to be cleaned before beginning. Improper or excessive cleaning can lead to faster deteriorat­ion. Check the entire stone for flaking, cracking, erosion or any other suspicious areas. If you notice any of these, do not clean the stone.

Start with just clean water and a soft-bristled brush. Make sure you have access to a lot of water. Wet the stone and softly scrub in a circular motion. Rinse the brush and stone frequently. Working from the top of the stone down can cause streaking, so always work from the bottom up to avoid this.

If that does not work, there are a few products acceptable to use. Make sure the product is biodegrada­ble, non-acidic and nonabrasiv­e. Do not use bleach or hydrochlor­ic or muriatic acid. If you must use a product, thoroughly wet the stone before starting, rinse often during cleaning and rinse for at least five minutes when finished. If you are at all unsure about cleaning the stone yourself, consult a profession­al.

DEAR READERS: Here is this week’s sound off:

“I wish that envelopes for bills had the company name on them (Heloise here: The reader means envelopes with a clear window). I have several bills (especially medical) with these envelopes. But at times they get mixed up, and nowhere can I find the company name. Sometimes the way the name fits in the envelope window is a clue, but not always.

— Laurie in Mississipp­i

DEAR READERS: Uses for extra ice cubes:

■ Put in a pet’s water bowl.

■ Give to a cat or dog to play with. m Place in plants to water.

■ Save in a separate bag to use for ice packs.

■ Put in a bowl of soup to cool it.

DEAR HELOISE: I have a fabric shower curtain, and I used to waste time ironing it after I washed it. Now I just hang it back up, and after a couple of really steamy showers, the wrinkles are gone. If it is really bad, sometimes I will take a spray bottle of just water and mist it.

— A Reader, via e-mail Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or e-mail

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