Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Revamp for military justice gains ground in Senate

- DONNA CASSATA Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Bradley Klapper and Darlene Superville of The Associated Press.

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan effort to overhaul the military-justice system and stanch the increasing number of sexual assaults gained crucial support from conservati­ves Tuesday, setting up a showdown with the Pentagon’s top brass.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., announced his backing for legislatio­n sponsored by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., that would remove commanders from the process of deciding whether serious crimes, including sexual misconduct cases, go to trial. That judgment would rest instead with seasoned trial lawyers who have prosecutor­ial experience and hold the rank of colonel or above.

“There’s no reason why conservati­ves shouldn’t support this,” Paul said at a Capitol Hill news conference.

A third of the Senate — 33 lawmakers — have said they favor Gillibrand’s effort that she will try to attach to a sweeping defense-policy bill, perhaps as soon as this month. She faces opposition from Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., who — echoing the Joint Chiefs of Staff — wants to keep commanders involved in deciding whether to prosecute sexual-assault cases.

“If you remove the chain of command, you are taking away the club that they need to change the culture,” Levin said Tuesday at a breakfast discussion hosted by The Christian Science Monitor. The club, he said, is the ability of commanders to prosecute people.

“It’s commanders who make it work,” he said. “They give orders.”

Military leaders have argued that removing the decision from their purview would undercut the ability of officers to maintain order and discipline in their units.

The Pentagon estimated in a recent report that as many as 26,000 military members may have been sexually assaulted last year, up from an estimated 19,000 in 2011, based on an anonymous survey of military personnel. While the number of sexual assaults that members of the military reported rose 6 percent to 3,374 in 2012, thousands of victims were still unwilling to step forward despite new oversight and assistance programs aimed at curbing the crimes, the report said.

Backers of Gillibrand’s legislatio­n insisted that leaving the decisions with the commanders has failed to stop a crisis within the military ranks.

“The status quo is not working, and we need to shake it up,” said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa.

Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., displayed a chart with quotes from defense secretarie­s past and present — from Dick Cheney in the early 1990s to Chuck Hagel today — saying the military has zero tolerance for sexual assault.

“It’s enough with the words. It’s enough with the empty promises,” Boxer said.

Without specifical­ly commenting on Gillibrand’s bill, White House spokesman Jay Carney said President Barack Obama’s administra­tion would consider any ideas for improving the military-justice system.

“We are open to considerat­ion of any ideas, and that includes proposed legislatio­n, and we will work with Congress and we will work with the Department of Defense on ways to deal with and improve the prosecutio­n and prevention and victim support when it comes to sex assault in the military,” Carney said.

Last month, the Armed Services Committee backed a Levin bill designed to increase pressure on senior commanders to prosecute sexual-assault cases by requiring a top-level review if they fail to do so. Levin’s proposal also would make it a crime to retaliate against victims who report sexual assault, and it calls on the Pentagon to relieve commanders who fail to create a climate receptive for victims.

The measure passed 17-9.

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