Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Koepka took the long road to success


GULLANE, Scotland — There’s a reason Brooks Koepka is the best young American golfer you’ve never heard of.

It has less to do with his game than his passport. The Florida native has collected four victories, but also 48 pages of government stamps and almost as many adventures in the past 10 months while playing in 11 different countries. His 2013 season-opening itinerary included India, South Africa and Kenya.

And don’t even ask about the horse meat dinner in Kazakhstan. Or cobbling together connecting flights between Tenerife and Prague.

“The road’s not for everyone,” Koepka said with a laugh. “You have to get used to being away, and being alone. It can be tough. Pretty much all you have is golf.

“But getting to see the world at 23,” he added, “that’s pretty cool.”

The extended road trip became part of a master plan Koepka hatched after missing the cut at last year’s U.S. Open, then turning pro and failing to get through qualifying school for the PGA Tour. Like his friend and sometimes roommate Peter Uihlein, he pounced on the opportunit­y for four guaranteed starts on the Challenge Tour, the European Tour’s minor-league circuit. Now he and Uihlein have a running bet — whoever wins a tournament has to buy a jet ski for the house they share in Florida.

Koepka won for the first time last September in Spain, and instead of being flustered by language and culture, he decided to sample them and started ordering off the menu. He earned his European Tour card after winning three Challenge events already this year, and the mad dash that was necessary for Koepka to make it into this week’s British Open pretty much encapsulat­es his brief pro career.

After capturing the Scottish Hydro Challenge near Inverness in late June, Koepka decided to try qualifying in London. The original plan was to drive all the way, but the car blew a tire late at night near Edinburgh. Koepka caught a few hours sleep in a hotel, then a 6:30 a.m. flight to Heathrow Airport, arriving at Sunningdal­e Golf Club with just enough time to stretch. Even so, he shot 69-65 to take medalist’s honors and book his place in the field here.

“The kid is impressive in lots of ways,” said teaching pro Butch Harmon, whose son, Claude, works with Koepka when he’s back home in Florida. “He’s consistent. He’s a fast learner, but he’s smart enough not to try to do things on the golf course that he doesn’t know how to do. Claude’s been raving about his ball-striking for months.

“More impressive is the route he’s taking. Lots of guys come out of college and if they don’t get through Q-school, they take the most familiar path — the mini-tours back home. Over here,” Harmon continued, “nearly every tournament is in a different country, with a different language. Just lining up visas can be a challenge. It shows a lot of maturity in a very short time.”

Koepka envisions himself playing regularly on both major tours, eventually earning the luxury of picking his spots the way Phil Mickelson, Tiger Woods and a handful of golf’s other big stars do.

“That’s a long way off,” Koepka said, “but it’s been an interestin­g ride so far. I’ve seen more crazy weather in a few months than I’d seen before in my entire life.

“Some of the adventures have been good, some not so good. I miss my family and friends sometimes, and once or twice, I’ve been sick of playing golf.

“But if you’re looking for a little bit of flavor to go with your game,” he said, motioning over his shoulder at the scudding gray clouds rolling across Muirfield, “this is awfully tough to beat.”

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