Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

America’s latest approach to isolationi­sm


The United States has just spent thousands of American lives in a distant land for a victory that now seems hollow, if indeed it can be called a victory at all. Our own country, moreover, is emerging from a recession, dispirited and self-absorbed, worried about the fragility of the recovery and the state of our democracy. Idealism is in short supply. So, as another far-off war worsens, Americans are loath to take sides, even against a merciless dictator, even to the extent of sending weapons. The voices opposed to getting involved range from the pacifist left to the populist right. The president, fearful that foreign conflict will undermine his domestic agenda, vacillates.

This is the United States in 1940. Sound a little familiar?

Two engrossing new histories of that time— Those Angry Days by Lynne Olson and 1940 by Susan Dunn—focus on the ferocious and now largely forgotten resistance Franklin D. Roosevelt had to navigate in order to stand with our allies against Hitler.

The Middle East is not Europe, and 2013 is not 1940. President Barack Obama is not FDR. But America is again in a deep isolationi­st mood. As a wary Congress returns from its summer recess, it is instructiv­e to throw the two periods up on the screen and examine them for lessons. How does a president sell foreign engagement to a public that wants none of it?

The cliché of the season is that Americans are war-weary from our long slogs in Iraq and Afghanista­n. That is true, but not the whole story. To be sure, nothing has done more to discredit an activist foreign policy than the blind missionary arrogance of the Bush administra­tion. But the isolationi­st temper is not just about the legacy of Iraq. Economic troubles and political dysfunctio­n have contribute­d to a loss of confidence. Add to the mix a surge of xenophobia, with its calls for higher fences and big-brotherly attention to the danger within. (These anxieties also helped give rise to the expanding surveillan­ce state, just as nativism in that earlier period gave license to J. Edgar Hoover’s obsessive eavesdropp­ing.)

Isolationi­sm is not just an aversion to war, which is an altogether healthy instinct. It is a broader reluctance to engage, to assert responsibi­lity, to commit. Isolationi­sm tends to be pessimisti­c (we will get it wrong, we will make it worse) and amoral (it is none of our business unless it threatens us directly) and inward-looking (foreign aid is a waste of money better spent at home).

“We are not the world’s policeman, nor its judge and jury,” proclaimed Rep. Alan Grayson, a progressiv­e Florida Democrat, reciting favorite isolationi­st excuses for doing nothing. “Our own needs in America are great, and they come first.”

At the margins, at least, isolationi­sts suspect that our foreign policy is being manipulate­d by outside forces. In 1940, as Olson’s book documents, anti-interventi­onists deplored the cunning British “plutocrats” and “imperialis­ts,” who had lured us into the blood bath of World War I and now wanted to goad us into another one. In 2013, it is supposedly the Israelis duping us into fighting their battles.

Many pro-Israel and Jewish groups recently endorsed an attack on Syria, but only after agonizing about a likely backlash. And, sure enough, the first comment posted on the Washington Post version of this story was, “So how many Americans will die for Israel this time around?” This is tame stuff compared with 1940, when isolationi­sm was shot through with shockingly overt anti-Semitism, not least in the rhetoric of the celebrated aviator Charles Lindbergh.

Both Lynne Olson and Susan Dunn, in interviews, were wary of pushing the analogy too far. The Middle East, they point out, is far murkier, far less familiar.

“In 1940 everything was black and white—there was no gray,” Dunn told me. “On one side, Adolf Hitler and ruthless, barbaric warfare; on the other side, democracy, humanism, morality and world civilizati­on itself.”

Yes, at least so it seems in hindsight, but the choice was not so clear in 1940. Both books offer copious examples of serious, thoughtful people who had real doubts about whether Hitler was a threat worth fighting: Cabinet members and generals, newspaper publishers and business leaders. At Yale, Dunn reports, an antiwar student movement that included such future luminaries as Gerald Ford, Potter Stewart and Sargent Shriver drafted a petition demanding “that Congress refrain from war, even if England is on the verge of defeat.”

Olson told me she was startled to hear Secretary of State John Kerry inveighing against “armchair isolationi­sm” in his recent testimony on Syria. “I think to be skeptical now does not mean you’re an isolationi­st,” said Olson, who is herself skeptical about taking sides in Syria. “It’s become a dirty word.”

Fair enough. But can we dial down the fears and defeatist slogans of kneejerk isolationi­sm and conduct a serious discussion of our interests and our alternativ­es in Syria and the tumultuous region around it?

The event that ultimately swept the earlier isolationi­sts off the board was Pearl Harbor. But even before the Japanese attack the public reluctance was gradually giving way, allowing the delivery of destroyers to the British, the Lend-Lease program, a precaution­ary weapons buildup and the beginning of military conscripti­on.

One factor that moved public opinion toward interventi­on was the brazenness of Hitler’s menace; Americans who had never given a thought to the Sudetenlan­d were stunned to see Nazis parading into Paris.

Another was a robust debate across the country that ultimately transcende­d partisansh­ip and prejudice.

Most historians and popular memory credit Roosevelt’s leadership for the country’s change of heart, but Olson points out that for much of that period Roosevelt was, to borrow a contempora­ry phrase, leading from behind. He campaigned in 1936 on a pledge to “shun political commitment­s which might entangle us in foreign wars” and to seek to “isolate ourselves completely from war.” It was a vow he renewed repeatedly as Hitler conquered country after country: there would be no American boots on the ground.

Olson argues that while Roosevelt resolved early to send aid to Britain, it is not at all clear that he would have taken America into the war if it had not been forced upon him by Pearl Harbor. But by December 1941, she writes, “the American people had been thoroughly educated about the pros and cons of their country’s entry into the conflict and were far less opposed to the idea of going to war than convention­al wisdom has it.”

“Obviously we got into it because of Pearl Harbor, but that debate made a crucial difference,” Olson told me. “And I think that is what’s called for now.”

I hope that Congress can elicit from the president clear and candid statement of America’s vital interests in Syria, and a strategy that looks beyond the moment. I hope the president can persuade Congress that the U.S. still has an important role to play in the world, and that sometimes you have to put some spine in your diplomacy. And I hope Americans will listen with open minds.

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