Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

CARPOOL checklist

Essentials for moms with busy schedules to have at their disposal as school starts


With a new school year right around the corner, schedules are bound to get hectic as Mom takes on the responsibi­lity of getting children from point A to point B and everywhere in between. Having a stash of just-in-case-of-emergency items in the car can help to turn a day full of problems or forgetfuln­ess into a smooth-running ride.


A daily schedule can easily be interrupte­d by children spilling something on or tearing their school clothes. Having a detergent pen and a handful of safety pins handy can avoid the need to turn the car around. For larger clothing mishaps, it is a good idea to have a full change of clothes on hand. Either way, you’re covered.


Having a small variety of prepared or packaged snacks in the car can make things move a lot smoother throughout the day by eliminatin­g the need to stop for food. Individual­ly wrapped snacks can help tide the kids over until dinner on the way home.


Sometimes the kids’ hair might need a quick brushing before they hop out of the car in the morning. Having a hairbrush on hand can make sure that isn’t a problem. The brush, along with ponytail holders and other accessorie­s for the girls, can also made the transition from school mode to after-school-activity mode a tad easier.


There is always a chance that a mom will hear “I don’t have any pencils!” as she pulls up to the school. Having a stash of school supplies in the car can help to ensure that the crisis will be averted. All moms want their children to look organized and prepared for class, right? Also, having a stapler on hand can make sure your student will never walk into class with a disheveled stack of papers posing as a complete report that is due that day.


For smaller children, being trapped in the car while being driven around town can be uncomforta­ble, making them restless. Portable entertainm­ent, such as a DVD player or iPad, can help keep the kids quiet and make the stop-and-go trip a little more pleasant for everyone.


With all of the traffic in and out of the car, things are bound to get a little messy. You might have to deal with mud from dirty cleats your teenager brings into the car after athletic practice or a full bottle of juice that gets spilled in the back seat. Having a towel on hand gives you the opportunit­y to do some damage control until you are able to clean up the mess properly at home.


Plastic bags can be an invaluable tool for moms on the go. Whether a bag of small items breaks and they need to be kept together, or a back-seat rider gets a sudden attack of carsicknes­s, these bags can provide a solution for a variety of problems that can occur in the car.

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