Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: I keep a cardboard oatmeal can near my dryer. When I remove the lint from the dryer, I place it in the can. When the birds return in the spring, I place some of it in small, empty tuna cans, and put them around the yard or in a tree, where the birds can get it for their nests.

— R.E. in Nebraska DEAR READER: Backyard birds are our friends, and they are just lovely to watch. However, this old and very common hint is no longer safe.

All bird experts tell us not to use dryer lint. Dryer lint is made of fibers (many man-made) from material, and may have detergent or softener residue, which is not good for our feathered friends. If you want to help birds out, set out natural materials, such as human or animal hair, twigs, moss and leaves.

P.S.: Next is a brilliant bird hint. I’m watching my hummingbir­ds right now.

DEAR HELOISE: I have noticed that hummingbir­ds like to sit and watch over their food supply. I made a hummingbir­d swing with a metal clothes hanger. I bent the middle of the clothes hanger upward, toward the hook on top, to make two loops, and hung it over the feeder. They love it! — Shirley Davis,

Lisbon, Ohio

DEAR HELOISE: I bit into a beautifull­y ripe strawberry, and juice dripped down the front of my favorite sweater. Can you help?

— Wilma, via email DEAR READER: Dampen the sweater (if it’s washable, of course) with cool water, and rub a drop or two of liquid laundry detergent into the spot (from the back of the sweater), then wash. Do not put it in the dryer. Check the stain, and treat again if it’s still there. The next time this happens, try to dab the spot with cold water to help dilute the juice. Stains are going to happen, so be prepared. Remember, to prevent pilling on sweaters, wash them inside out.

DEAR HELOISE: I put my extra shoe holder on the inside of the pantry door to hold all those packets I buy. The individual cornbread mixes, soups, taco mixes, etc., are all at eye level and stay organized, instead of falling off the shelf. — Jeannie G., Abilene, Texas

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