Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Portman, Paul statements affect ’16 race


CINCINNATI — Two prominent Senate Republican­s announced Tuesday that they would seek a second term in the U.S. Senate, announceme­nts that had different implicatio­ns for the 2016 presidenti­al contest.

Ohio Sen. Rob Portman declared he would not seek the presidency, choosing instead to focus on his Senate re-election. The former White House budget chief and U.S. trade representa­tive said he can play an important role as a member of the new Republican majority in the Senate, where he wants to help break the gridlock that has largely paralyzed Congress the past two years.

“I just see so much promise,” Portman said during an appearance in Washington on Tuesday. “Getting the majority makes a huge difference. The Senate has been largely dysfunctio­nal — unable to deal with even the most basic issues. And now we have a chance.”

At the same time, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul announced he also would seek a second term in the Senate. But his team said he could still run for president despite a state law that prohibits running for both offices at the same time.

“There are many options,” Paul senior adviser Doug Stafford said when asked about the state law. “He hasn’t decided on a presidenti­al run yet. He will decide that in the next few months, but in either case, he is running for Senate.”

Two other GOP senators — Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas — are considerin­g a presidenti­al run but haven’t announced decisions.

Portman said Tuesday that he didn’t think he could be as effective as a senator while at the same time running for president.

Paul does not necessaril­y agree. The Kentucky senator and libertaria­n favorite has been among the most aggressive potential presidenti­al candidates in recent months, having already begun to hire staff in key states in addition to beefing up his policy credential­s.

He announced his re-election in a written statement Tuesday issued from Washington, where he defended his foreign policy during a gathering with some of the nation’s most powerful business leaders.

“I believe we’ve been everywhere all the time, we’re about to bankrupt our country, and that there’s great danger to what we’re doing,” Paul said and later added, “To those Republican­s who love a Republican interventi­on, Iraq’s worse off now. Do you think we’re better or worse off with Hussein gone?” Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein fell in 2003 after the U.S.-led invasion.

Given Congress’ low approval ratings, senators face a tougher road to the White House than the crowd of Republican governors considerin­g a 2016 bid. The last sitting senator to win the presidency before President Barack Obama was John F. Kennedy in 1960.

The Democratic National Committee ignored Portman’s announceme­nt but lashed out at Paul.

“Whether he ultimately runs for Senate, president or both, Rand Paul is part of the problem in Washington,” Democratic National Committee spokesman Michael Czin said. “His record in the Senate is one of obstructio­n, self-interest and ideologica­l crusading — not of working within the mainstream to get things done.”

Portman, meanwhile, drew nationwide attention last year when he reversed his position on same-sex marriage. He said his support came after soul-searching on the issue after his son revealed he was gay.

Portman said his decision not to run didn’t revolve around that issue, although some conservati­ves, including leaders of the National Organizati­on for Marriage, had pledged to oppose his potential bid.

“It really wasn’t a factor,” he said. “Some people say it would have hurt me. Some people say it would have helped me. The country is obviously moving on that issue.”

Portman said he sees a “broad field of impressive candidates” shaping up among the large number of Republican­s still considerin­g a run. Portman, who served in the White Houses of both President Bushes, said he chatted Monday with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at a Washington fundraiser and that Bush indicated he hasn’t decided yet on 2016.

Bush on Monday night said he would make up his mind “in short order.”

Portman, a 58-year-old Cincinnati native, could also resurface in the 2016 presidenti­al campaign as a potential vice presidenti­al candidate for the GOP’s eventual nominee. He was vetted by Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidenti­al campaign and serves a swing state that’s been crucial for Republican­s.

But Portman said that’s not where he’s headed.

“I have been through it,” Portman said. “It’s obviously not something that you run for. But I’m not interested. I’m interested in staying in the Senate.”

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