Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- JEANNE FLEMING AND LEONARD SCHWARZ Jeanne Fleming and Leonard Schwarz are the authors of Isn’t It Their Turn to Pick Up the Check? Dealing With All of the Trickiest Money Problems Between Family and Friends (Free Press, 2008). Email them at Questions@M

DEAR JEANNE & LEONARD: Every year, residents on the block where we recently bought a house celebrate the holidays in a big way. They go all out on decoration­s, and everyone chips in to buy Christmas trees for the sidewalk strip and to hire profession­als to install lights. It’s not cheap. My wife and I, however, never make a big deal about Christmas — in fact, we often head to the Caribbean for the holidays — and we don’t want to spend our money on decoration­s. So what should we do? We don’t want to offend our new neighbors. But we’d much rather spend the money on our vacation.

— Smitty DEAR SMITTY: Did you know about this tradition when you bought the house, or was it a Halloween surprise? Not that it makes any difference at this point.

Of course you’re entitled to tell your neighbors exactly what you’ve told us. But as new kids on the block, you risk not so much offending them as signaling that you’re not very interested in being neighborly. Since these are the folks you’ll someday be asking to share the cost of replacing a fence, store your frozen food when your freezer suddenly dies, or look after your dog or child when an emergency arises, what you gain in the long run by contributi­ng to the holiday festivitie­s is likely to be worth much more in good will than the contributi­on you’re being asked to make.

DEAR JEANNE & LEONARD: Over the past two decades, my mother has paid for all her grandchild­ren’s college expenses. The youngest grandchild has one year of school left, which will cost about $10,000 after financial aid. Here’s why I’m writing: Mom is now in assisted living, which is very expensive, and she’s not as sharp as she once was. Still, she states unequivoca­lly that she wants to give her granddaugh­ter the $10,000. However, two of my brothers and I are now legally responsibl­e for her financial affairs (none of us is the parent of the college student). My brothers are against writing the check — they’re afraid Mom will run out of money — but I’m for it. I want to respect Mom’s wishes, and what’s more, I believe she can afford the $10,000. Also, I know she doesn’t want to shortchang­e her youngest grandchild. Who should decide this?

— M.J.

DEAR M.J.: Well, not the granddaugh­ter.

Kidding aside, the person who should make the call is the person most responsibl­e for your mother’s financial planning, whether that’s a profession­al or one of the three of you. While it’s your mother’s money, it’s that person’s duty to ensure that your mother is always able to pay for the care she needs.

By the way, there is another option: Your mother could lend $10,000 to the granddaugh­ter’s parents, a loan your mother could then forgive if it becomes evident that she’s not going to run short of dough herself. DEAR JEANNE AND LEONARD: My best friend and I have always treated each other to dinner on our birthdays. “Courtney” got married this summer, and I’m wondering whether I now have to treat her husband to her birthday dinner as well. He makes a lot more than I do. — Danielle DEAR DANIELLE: A friend’s spouse can be such an inconvenie­nce.

Seriously, if you invite Courtney and her husband out to celebrate her birthday, then yes, you have to pick up the entire tab. But you don’t have to invite both of them. Tell Courtney you’d like to take her out to celebrate her birthday, and ask her to tell you a day and time when she’s free. Just be sure to say “celebrate your birthday as you and I always do” when you issue the invitation, and she’ll understand that she has been invited to a party for two.

 ?? Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/RON WOLFE ??
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/RON WOLFE

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