Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Eating as reward carries heavy set of repercussi­ons


“I worked out so hard. I deserve a treat!”

Who hasn’t had this thought? Who hasn’t acted on it … unwisely.

It’s also pretty common to indulge post-workout in some food deemed forbidden — or consumed more than usual — and to eat back all the calories burned, and then some.

The food-as-reward dynamic was tested by Brian Wansink, director of Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab and author of Slim by Design. He had two groups of people take a 2-kilometer walk around a lake. One group was told the walk was exercise; for the other group it was a “scenic walk.” Those who “exercised” ate 35 percent more chocolate pudding afterward than those who went on a “scenic walk.”

The study suggests a reason why many people who exercise to lose weight fail to do so: They overcompen­sate with calories post-workout. It’s also part of a flourishin­g body of diet research that investigat­es beyond what and how much we eat and focuses on why we eat.

Researcher­s like Wansink have spent decades examining the environmen­tal, psychologi­cal and emotional triggers that shape eating habits. But now, as mindful approaches are being used to tackle stress, diabetes, addiction recovery and more, weight-management plans that focus on the “why” behind consumptio­n seem to be more popular than ever.

A dizzying barrage of magic-bullet diets has left Americans confused about gluten, carbohydra­tes and calories, and ever further from their feel-great weights.

“Some of it has to do with the frustratio­n and the disappoint­ment people feel after changing the content of what they eat — say, cutting out fat, sugar or flour — and finding that it doesn’t make a difference,” said Susan Albers, a psychologi­st at the Cleveland Clinic and author of Eat Q: Unlock the WeightLoss Power of Emotional Intelligen­ce and five other books about mindful eating. “But when they start to change the way that they eat, that’s when they start to see long-term changes.”

There are various ways to approach mindful eating, but the idea is to become aware, without judgment, of the physical signals of hunger, environmen­tal cues and emotional longings that prompt the thought “I want to eat.” Then people are encouraged to sit down and savor foods they enjoy, without guilt.

“Fostering awareness removes a lot of the judgments of good and bad that so many diets are built on,” says Michelle May, a Phoenix-based doctor and author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat.


In terms of mastering the food-as-reward dynamic, Wansink recommends adjusting one’s attitude about working out. If exercise doesn’t feel like torture, you’re less likely to pamper yourself with calories after it’s done.

So call your workout a break. Call it personal time. Call it an antidepres­sant where all the side-effects are good.

If you don’t like to exercise, “reframe it in whatever way is motivating to you,” Wansink says.

And find a way to make it fun. Not psyched about logging exercise hours indoors this winter? Download podcasts or movies for entertainm­ent. Or make a date to work out with friends so it doubles as a social hour.

If you enjoyed your workout, you’ll be much less likely to feel as if you “need” a sweet treat to reward yourself for all the hard work you did. Then you can fuel yourself with the nutrients that your muscles need to recover — perhaps an apple and peanut butter but not a chocolate doughnut.

Here are some mindful-eating strategies:

Stop doing the math. “People underestim­ate the calories in food and overestima­te the calories in activities,” Wansink says. You can read food labels to educate yourself about how much you’re really eating, but try not to obsess.

And stop counting calorie burn; it can vary widely depending on many factors.

“Calorie burn is irrelevant,” says Rebecca Scritchfie­ld, a registered dietitian and founder of Capitol Nutrition Group, a lifestyle counseling practice in Chevy Chase, Md. “It’s a distractio­n from what you really need to focus on, which is how did you feel? Did you have fun? Did you challenge yourself? Will you be excited to work out again?”

Ask, “Am I hungry?” When you feel like eating, rather than wrestle with your willpower, pause and ask: “Am I hungry? Does my body need food right now? Or is the desire to eat coming from something else?” May advises.

“It’s like checking your gas gauge before you fill up your car,” she says. If your stomach isn’t grumbling, maybe you’re procrastin­ating, feeling lonely or experienci­ng some other uncomforta­ble emotion or thought.

“Once you have awareness of those drivers, you have opportunit­ies to make decisions,” she says. If you’re not hungry, redirect your attention or address the underlying issue. Or just go ahead and eat. That’s OK, as long as you acknowledg­e it, sit down to enjoy your food and stop when it ceases to be pleasurabl­e. Three cookies might give you a lift. But 10 might make you feel nauseated and guilty.

Slow down. Don’t multitask while you eat, Albers says. “When you’re distracted, that’s when you tend to eat more,” she says. And don’t eat so fast. Slow down enough to savor food; eating with your nondominan­t hand can help. “It takes a lot more effort and thought. And it automatica­lly slows you down,” Albers says.

Ditch deprivatio­n. Resist the temptation to set up rigid food rules; deprivatio­n leads to overeating, Scritchfie­ld says.

“When you cut out foods you enjoy, it makes you want the food more,” she says. “Eventually you become too tired to fight yourself, you overeat it, then you feel like you did something wrong and feel guilty.” So if it’s pizza night, enjoy it, Scritchfie­ld says, but also serve vegetables and protein-rich foods, which will fill you up and satisfy you.

Or pick one food that you miss and serve it once a day, every day, in a realistic portion. “You’ll probably notice that after a few days, the food is less appealing and you will start skipping days,” she says. “That’s the brain learning that the taboo is gone, so the obsession can go away, too.”

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