Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

In the news


House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is a polio survivor, came out in favor of childhood vaccinatio­ns while speaking at separate Washington news conference­s held amid a measles outbreak in the U.S.

Sen. Thom Tillis, a freshman lawmaker from North Carolina who is among some Republican­s challengin­g several health regulation­s, suggested at a Washington event that restaurant­s shouldn’t have to make their employees wash their hands after bathroom visits but added that establishm­ents would have to prominentl­y disclose that decision and then would probably go out of business.

Marcus Paulk, 28, a former child star on the 1990s sitcom Moesha, was arrested in Arizona on Super Bowl Sunday on suspicion of drunken driving and possession of marijuana.

David Neal, 61, an Ohio man who sold synthetic urine and other products intended to help people pass workplace drug tests, pleaded guilty before a federal judge in Pennsylvan­ia and faces up to six years in prison when sentenced.

Kevin Bollaert, 28, of San Diego faces up to 20 years in prison after being convicted of running a “revenge porn” website where people posted nude pictures of their ex-lovers, who then had to pay Bollaert to take down the images.

Prime Minister Frank Bainimaram­a of the Pacific island nation of Fiji said his country will replace its national flag this year to remove symbols of British colonialis­m.

Laurent Leger, a journalist for Charlie Hebdo, the satirical newspaper that was the target of an attack in Paris last month that left 12 people dead, said the next edition will be out Feb. 25, but he did not say what would be on the cover.

Bassem Youssef, Egypt’s most popular satirist, joined Harvard’s Institute of Politics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government as a resident fellow for the spring semester, almost a year after his program was taken off the air in Egypt for lambasting that nation’s presidents and military men.

Kevin Lee Barbour, 37, of Florida, suspected of stealing a car, took off on foot after a traffic stop and briefly eluded deputies by hiding under a trailer, authoritie­s said, adding that they found him by following the sound of a “snorting wild boar” that turned out to be a snoring Barbour.

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