Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Senate, House press veto-vowed measures

- DAVID ESPO AND ALAN FRAM Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Erica Werner and Andy Taylor of The Associated Press.

WASHINGTON — Congressio­nal Republican­s challenged President Barack Obama at both ends of the Capitol on Tuesday, lining up in the House to repeal the health care program he signed into law but faltering in an initial Senate attempt to roll back immigratio­n policies he issued.

There was a third challenge as well, as Republican leaders announced the House would give final approval next week on legislatio­n clearing the way for constructi­on of the Keystone XL Pipeline. That would trigger Obama’s threatened veto, the first in a new era of divided government.

The president also is likely to veto a health care repeal or an attempt to roll back the immigratio­n policies. But the skirmishes Tuesday served as a reminder of Republican­s’ power after Obama challenged them last month with his State of the Union address and a no-balance budget Monday calling for higher taxes and new spending.

The GOP won control of the Senate in last fall’s elections and has its largest House majority in nearly 70 years.

The vote in the Senate was 51-48 to begin debate on legislatio­n to fund the Department of Homeland Security and simultaneo­usly overturn presidenti­al executive orders that have spared an estimated four million immigrants in the country illegally from the threat of deportatio­n. That was nine shy of the 60 needed to begin work on the measure.

Republican Sens. John Boozman and Tom Cotton of Arkansas voted to advance the measure.

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said his rank and file would continue to block action on the bill until Republican­s agree to strip out the immigratio­n provisions. Echoed by other Democrats, he said Republican­s were “playing politics with national security.”

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky accused Obama of a “power grab” that exceeded his authority as president.

“So I’m calling on Democrats to vote with us now to fund the Department of Homeland Security. I’m calling on Democrats to join us and stand up for core democratic principles like the rule of law and separation of powers,” he said.

All 44 Democrats, two independen­ts and two Republican­s opposed the measure. The two GOP opponents were Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada, whose state is home to a large Hispanic population, and McConnell, whose vote will permit him to call for a revote in the future.

The Department of Homeland Security will lose a portion of its funding on Feb. 27 unless Congress acts by then.

The provisions that drew objections from Democrats would roll back administra­tion policies that shield millions of illegal aliens from the threat of deportatio­n and give protection to younger people brought to the country unlawfully by their parents.

Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said it was up to Republican­s like Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Jeff Sessions of Alabama as well as Democrats to “stand with the American people and to block the president’s action.” The two Republican­s were influentia­l in the House’s decision to toughen the immigratio­n provisions of the House bill, and officials said Boehner’s remark was a challenge to them to make sure the Senate follows suit.

The speaker did not say what the next step would be if the bill was bottled up in the Senate. But Rep. John Carter, R-Texas., said the House may eventually have to pass a second bill that extends funding without immigratio­n-related provisions attached.

Across the Capitol, Republican­s had more than enough votes in the House to repeal Obama’s health care law, but that bill seemed headed for certain defeat in the Senate and faced a veto threat from Obama.

The House vote was 239186. The four representa­tives from Arkansas — all Republican­s — voted in favor of repeal.

The House has voted more than 50 times in the past four years to repeal the health care law in whole or in part, but this time was different. The measure included instructio­ns to key committees to begin work on a replacemen­t that the party promised in the 2010 political campaign.

Officials described that as a measure of preparatio­n in case the Supreme Court overturns a key portion of the existing program in a ruling expected this June.

Meanwhile, the announceme­nt that Congress would soon send Obama legislatio­n to approve constructi­on of the Keystone XL pipeline meant the House would accept relatively minor changes that the Senate added when it passed the bill. Among them is a nonbinding statement that climate change is not a hoax.

Democrats said they have enough votes to sustain a veto.

 ?? AP/J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE ?? Speaker of the House John Boehner, joined by House Rules Committee member Rep. Virginia Foxx (center), R-N.C., and newly elected Rep. Barbara Comstock, R-Va., speaks Tuesday on Capital Hill in Washington after a GOP strategy session at Republican...
AP/J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE Speaker of the House John Boehner, joined by House Rules Committee member Rep. Virginia Foxx (center), R-N.C., and newly elected Rep. Barbara Comstock, R-Va., speaks Tuesday on Capital Hill in Washington after a GOP strategy session at Republican...
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