Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

On a slippery slope


There are many people in this nation who sincerely think that a political party has the answers to what is wrong with this country. The answer is not in a person, no matter the political belief. I believe we the people are what’s wrong, for we have rebelled against the creator, God, upon whose moral laws this nation was founded.

We are drowning in political correctnes­s, fearful of speaking out against the immorality that is sending us on a slippery slope of self-destructio­n. We murder our babies in the womb, turn a blind eye to immoral sexual behavior, defy legal authority with destructiv­e riots in the name of so-called rights, and these are just a few or our sins.

We declare evil good and good evil and I believe no nation has survived that forgets its creator the way this nation has. Our president gives a speech of a rosy future, ignoring the warning signs that exist all around us of an economic meltdown coming. I believe we are so far in debt there is no light at the end of a spending tunnel, and you don’t need a college degree to see this.

Is there any hope? Yes, but it seems most of our society will not accept it, for we pride ourselves on self-determinat­ion without the help of a higher wisdom. The answer is confess, repent and pray for wisdom from our creator. All else is futile. WILLA ROMINE


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