Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: The kitchen is the perfect place to hang out, be with family and experiment with cooking. However, may I say to please keep in mind, when watching cooking shows on TV, that what you see probably is not how it happens in real time. A lot gets edited out; some steps are skipped or just talked about. Most times, the final dish has been prepared by someone else.

Here are a few hints to help you take care of an “uhoh”:

Ketchup won’t come out of the bottle easily? Use a drinking straw to reach the bottom, break the vacuum and help the ketchup flow.

Onions too strong? Soak onion rings or chopped pieces in water or milk for about an hour.

Whipped cream not sweet enough? Use confection­ers’ (powdered) sugar rather than granulated sugar.

DEAR HELOISE: I have a question about allspice. Is it just a blend of a few spices, like pumpkin-pie spice is?

— Eva W. in Oregon DEAR READER: Allspice comes from a berry that grows on a tropical evergreen tree. It does smell, I think, like a blend of cloves, cinnamon and maybe a touch of nutmeg, However, allspice has a flavor and an aroma that is uniquely its own.

Don’t be afraid to try a new recipe with a new spice. I do like allspice and sometimes put a dash in my morning coffee for a hint of flavor.

DEAR HELOISE: My pizza stone has gotten grease on the bottom of it. How do I remove it?

— Arita R., Texas DEAR READER: Scouring powder will remove only the top layer of grease. A pizza “stone” can be made from different materials, some very porous and absorbing. You can try to pull out the grease using baking soda. Dump on a lot of baking soda, scrub in with a little water and let the pizza stone sit for a few days. The baking soda may pull the grease out. If not, it’s time to “reuse” it for something else.

DEAR HELOISE: I make graham-cracker crusts. I had a problem crumbling up the crackers until I hit on a method that worked. Using a square-bottom bowl, I mashed the graham crackers with a potato masher. It worked great! Then I just add butter, put it in the pie pan, spread it out and it’s done.

— Janeen Miller, California

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