Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

An outbreak of anti-vaccine fever


The anti-vaccinatio­n movement has hit a wall. After years of flourishin­g on the margins of the political spectrum, activists and their political enablers are on the defensive as long-dormant diseases come back with a vengeance.

This descriptio­n fits the intensifyi­ng uproar over the re-emergence of measles and whooping cough in 2015. It applies just as well to an outbreak of smallpox in 1894. Then as now, a small vocal group of anti-vaccinatio­n activists wedded junk science, bogus statistics and appeals to emotion to try to undermine a previous vaccinatio­n campaign.

The 19th-Century predecesso­rs of today’s anti-vaxxers also acted out of a genuine conviction that vaccines posed huge health risks. And then, too, beliefs, no matter how heartfelt, weren’t a sensible substitute for an objective evaluation of risk. It’s a lesson likely to be hammered home in the coming years as diseases make a comeback in the U.S., empowered in some cases by the rising refusal of parents to vaccinate their children.

The concept of vaccinatio­n, which essentiall­y involves using prophylact­ic exposure to a disease to trick the body into developing immunity, was controvers­ial from its beginnings.

In the 18th Century, doctors in Britain began taking the pus from a smallpox sore on a patient with a mild case of the disease and rubbing it into the open wound of a healthy patient. The patient would get sick but recover, thus acquiring immunity to the disease.

This risky method, known as “variolatio­n,” became unnecessar­y after the 1790s when Edward Jenner showed that comparable levels of immunity could be achieved by dosing patients with cowpox, a close relative of smallpox. Private manufactur­ers in England and the U.S. soon began making small quantities of the vaccine from the lymph of infected cows.

Smallpox, which was arguably the most terrifying, gruesome disease in human history, led many skeptics to try vaccinatio­n. That willingnes­s, combined with the growing availabili­ty of vaccines and laws making vaccinatio­n compulsory, particular­ly for children, made smallpox a distant, unpleasant memory for most Americans by the 1850s.

But as in our own time, fading memories of a terrifying disease gave rise to a false sense of security.

The parallels are eerie. Many of these earlier anti-vaxxers were affluent and well-educated and fond of progressiv­e causes. As historian Michael Willrich has observed, they “tended to throw themselves into other maligned causes of their era, including anti-imperialis­m, women’s rights, antivivise­ction, vegetarian­ism.”

Many more also subscribed to what Willrich has described as a “libertaria­n radicalism” and sought to protect civil liberties in the face of the growing power of the state. Sen. Rand Paul, who attacked vaccines Monday, would have no trouble recognizin­g this wing of the movement.

These skeptics found a leader: William Tebb, a British reformer, activist and gadfly who was well known for leading a high-profile fight against compulsory vaccinatio­n laws in Britain. He arrived in New York City in 1879 and helped spur the formation of the Anti-Vaccinatio­n Society of America, which soon became a formidable political force, along with other similar societies.

The early anti-vaxxers deployed a wide range of arguments to press their case. Tebb claimed, all evidence to the contrary, that 80 percent of smallpox cases affected people who had been vaccinated. He also alleged, facts notwithsta­nding, that 25,000 children were “slaughtere­d” each year in Britain as a consequenc­e of compulsory vaccinatio­n programs.

The anti-vaxxers’ arguments resonated because they tapped into understand­able anxieties. The rise of so-called vaccine farms, where unregulate­d producers harvested lymphatic fluid from resident cows, did little to allay people’s fears.

Indeed, while companies such as the New England Vaccine Company claimed to produce vaccines “entirely free from any trace of pus, debris, or epidermis,” lab tests showed otherwise.

Such revelation­s raised fears that vaccines could end up causing harm. But it wasn’t autism that worried people then. Rather, as anti-vaccinatio­nist Dr. J. F. Banton warned, vaccinatio­n could introduce a “bioplasm” into the bloodstrea­m, “carrying with it all the vices, passions and diseases of the cow.”

The anti-vaccinatio­n forces believed that diseases found in cattle and other livestock—tuberculos­is and above all, syphilis—would make the jump to humans.

This was largely baseless. Nonetheles­s, immunizati­on rates declined. In 1886, the Medical News worried that the trend “portends evil in the near future”—a smallpox epidemic. These prediction­s came true between 1898 and 1904, when smallpox waxed and waned in the nation’s big cities, with New York among the hardest hit.

The epidemic brought the simmering dispute between anti-vaccinatio­nists and their foes to a new level. In response to the outbreaks, public health officials used heavy-handed tactics that fell disproport­ionately on immigrants and minorities, whom they rounded up and vaccinated against their will. As a result, the battle over vaccines became entangled in a debate over civil liberties.

This was understand­able. Whatever the risk of smallpox, the patchy oversight of vaccine production posed its own perils. After a batch of vaccine contaminat­ed with tetanus left nine children dead of “lockjaw,” Congress passed the Biologics Control Act of 1902, which empowered the government’s Hygienic Laboratory to monitor the quality of vaccines.

This measure helped quell many people’s fears, and with growing oversight and education, vaccinatio­n rates went up, and many dread diseases began to disappear. In the process, the anti-vaccinatio­n movement died as well, replaced by an acceptance that vaccinatio­n was every parent’s obligation. The wildly successful campaign to largely eradicate yet another childhood scourge, polio, only cemented the consensus.

Now the anti-vaccinatio­n movement is back, even getting a suggestion of support from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

If history is any guide, it won’t last. There is nothing like the return of an ancient killer to focus attention on the real costs and benefits of vaccinatio­n. We should be thankful, perhaps, that we are only facing whooping cough and measles. Smallpox would have been far worse.

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