Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Egypt’s leader patches alliances after tape released


CAIRO — Egypt’s president has telephoned an array of oil-rich monarchs to control the damage after purportedl­y being caught on tape discussing how to milk them for cash.

The quick move to patch things up came at a time when Egypt’s government is hoping for more help from regional allies at an internatio­nal conference next month.

Persian Gulf nations have thrown Egypt’s government a lifeline of tens of billions of dollars since Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi — at the time the head of the military and now Egypt’s president — led the overthrow of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in the summer of 2013. Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhoo­d is seen as a dangerous opponent by most Gulf monarchs, and el-Sissi has waged a fierce crackdown on the group over the past year.

The financial help, estimated by one analyst at $32 billion, helped keep Egypt’s battered economy afloat after years of instabilit­y. It also helped cement growing military cooperatio­n between Egypt and the Gulf. Emirate planes, for example, are believed to have used Egyptian territory to launch airstrikes against Islamic militants in neighborin­g Libya. The United Arab Emirates pledged about $9 billion to Egypt in September last year.

In the audiotape — aired Saturday on a Brotherhoo­d-allied TV station — el-Sissi and a top aide purportedl­y banter about how rich Gulf Arabs are and add up the billions they intend to seek.

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab insisted that the tape was fake, telling a Saudi newspaper Tuesday that the Muslim Brotherhoo­d created it using actors to “drive a wedge” between Egypt and its Gulf partners.

Two senior Egyptian security officials also said it was a fake. But they also said investigat­ors are scouring the president’s office, Defense Ministry and army for any possible Islamist sympathize­rs. They said “advanced technology” was used in the recordings, raising suspicion of help from “foreign intelligen­ce.”

The two spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the internal investigat­ion.

Mahlab said the aim was to wreck next month’s internatio­nal economic conference, intended to attract foreign investment. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are partners in the conference, which Egypt hopes will help its goal of boosting annual economic growth to 3.8 percent. It has hovered around 2 percent since the country’s 2011 revolt.

“For Egypt, the conference is seen as a milestone to present its vision,” said Mohamed Abu Basha, an economist at Cairo-based investment house EFG-Hermes. “It’s like a vote of confidence for Egyptian economy.”

The conference is also key to weaning Egypt off Gulf aid by giving confidence to internatio­nal borrowers.

On Monday, el-Sissi called leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, praising their wisdom and saying relations won’t be affected by “nefarious attempts” to undermine them, the president’s office said in a statement.

The Gulf countries issued their own reassuring messages. Saudi Arabia’s official news agency reported that King Salman views his kingdom’s relationsh­ip with Egypt as “unchangeab­le.”

Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, told el-Sissi that “any evil attempts” won’t affect the “strong, brotherly relations” between their countries, according to the United Arab Emirates’ news agency.

El-Sissi, head of military intelligen­ce before becoming military chief, has faced several leaks of private speeches and conversati­ons since he became Egypt’s most powerful man after Morsi’s ouster.

In recent months, a Muslim Brotherhoo­d-allied TV network called Mekameleen has broadcast what it says are a string of recorded conversati­ons among generals and presidenti­al Sissi aides, all of which appeared to have been taped in the office of Major Gen. Abbas Kamel, a top el-Sissi confidante and head of his office. The removal in December of intelligen­ce chief Farid el-Tohamy was reportedly in response to a leak.

Previous tapes have purported to show generals conspiring to fabricate evidence against Morsi and manipulate media reports and prosecutor­s’ handling of Brotherhoo­d trials. Mekameleen hasn’t explained how it acquired the tapes.

On the new tape, the voices in the conversati­on sound like el-Sissi and Kamel, apparently speaking not long before the May 2014 presidenti­al elections, which el-Sissi won.

The two voices discuss the flow of financial donations from Gulf partners. The voice purported to be el-Sissi talks of requesting that $10 billion be deposited directly in the accounts of Egypt’s military along with “some change to the Central Bank.”

He lists specific sums he seeks, including $10 billion from the United Arab Emirates and $10 billion from Kuwait.

“The money there is like rice,” he adds, using an Egyptian expression to mockingly suggest that Gulf funds are endless.

The man who sounds like Kamel describes Gulf countries as “half-states” that need help from Egypt to defend themselves. He says future Egyptian deployment­s should involve “give and take” between Egypt and those receiving the troops.

“I have a starving nation, in miserable shape,” he says, “while you have plenty of money.”

A third man, purported to be the military’s chief of staff, Mahmoud Hegazy, comments that royal family members have budgets bigger than whole states. “Each prince has hundreds of billions,” he says.

Gulf nations’ readiness to overlook the tape reflects the importance they put on Egypt. With turmoil tearing apart Libya, Syria and Iraq and Islamic extremism rising, Egypt provides its Gulf allies with a key peg of stability.

El-Sissi has repeatedly referred to the security of his Gulf Arab allies as integral to Egypt’s security, hinting he would be willing to send troops to defend them from extremists.

“We are passing through difficult and dangerous times in the region and no one would escape the danger if Egypt fell,” columnist Abdel-Rahman el-Rashid, known to have close ties to the Saudi royal family, wrote in the Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper after the round of calls.

 ?? AP ?? Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi (left) greets then-Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia in June during el-Sissi’s inaugurati­on ceremony in Cairo. Salman, now the Saudi king, reportedly said Saudi-Egyptian ties are...
AP Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi (left) greets then-Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia in June during el-Sissi’s inaugurati­on ceremony in Cairo. Salman, now the Saudi king, reportedly said Saudi-Egyptian ties are...

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