Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Spring forward, again

- RACHEL FELTMAN IN THE WASHINGTON POST Rachel Feltman anchors the blog Speaking of Science at the Washington Post.

Daylight saving time strikes again at 2 a.m. Sunday, at least for every state outside Hawaii and Arizona. Though DST has been a part of life in the United States since World War I, its origin and effects remain misunderst­ood, even by some of the lawmakers responsibl­e for it. Here are some common myths about daylight saving time.

1. Daylight saving time was meant to help farmers.

Many of us have heard that DST was developed because of farming. The idea that more daylight means more time in the field for farmers continues to get airtime on the occasional local news report and in state legislatur­es. Even Michael Downing, who wrote a book about DST, has said that before researchin­g the subject, “I always thought we did it for the farmers.”

In fact, the inverse is true. “The farmers were the reason we never had a peacetime daylight saving time until 1966,” Downing told National Geographic. “They had a powerful lobby and were against it vociferous­ly.” The lost hour of morning light meant they had to rush to get their crops to market. Dairy farmers were particular­ly flummoxed: Cows adjust to schedule shifts rather poorly, apparently.

Daylight saving time, in this or any other country, was never adopted to benefit farmers; it was first proposed by William Willett to the British Parliament in 1907 as a way to take full advantage of the day’s light. Germany was the first country to implement it, and the United States took up the practice upon entering World War I, hypothetic­ally to save energy.

2. The extra daylight makes us healthier and happier.

That additional vitamin D is good for us, right? Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) thinks so. “In addition to the benefits of energy savings, fewer traffic fatalities, more recreation time and increased economic activity, Daylight Saving Time helps clear away the winter blues a little earlier,” he said in a statement last year. “Government analysis has proven that extra sunshine provides more than just smiles . . . . We all just feel sunnier after we set the clocks ahead.”

A little more vitamin D might be healthy, but the way DST provides it is not so beneficial to our well-being. Experts have warned about spikes in workplace accidents, suicide and headaches— just to name a few health risks—when DST starts and ends. One 2009 study of mine workers found a 5.7 percent increase in injuries in the week after the start of DST, which researcher­s thought was most likely due to disruption in the workers’ sleep cycles.

The literature on these health effects is far from conclusive, but spring sunshine does not outweigh the downsides of sleep disruption across the board. 3. It helps us conserve energy. Congress passed the Energy Policy Act— which extended DST by a month—in 2005, ostensibly to save four more weeks’ worth of energy. “An annual rite of spring, daylight saving time is also a matter of energy conservati­on. By having a little more natural daylight at our disposal, we can help keep daily energy costs down for families and businesses,” Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), who co-sponsored the legislatio­n along with Markey, said in a 2013 statement.

But in a follow-up study on the effects of the extension, the California Energy Commission found the energy savings to be a paltry 0.18 percent at best. Other studies have indicated that people may use less of some kinds of energy, such as electric lights, but more of others. More productive daylight hours might be meant to get you off the couch and recreating outside, but they’re just as likely to lead to increased air-conditione­r use if you stay home and gas guzzling if you don’t. 4. DST benefits businesses. We know that businesses think daylight saving time is good for the economy. Just look at who lobbied for increased DST in 2005: chambers of commerce. The grill and charcoal industries, which successful­ly campaigned to extend DST from six to seven months in 1986, say they gain $200 million in sales with an extra month of daylight saving. When the increase to eight months came up for a vote in 2005, it was the National Associatio­n of Convenienc­e Stores that lobbied hardest—more time for kids to be out trick-or-treating meant more candy sales.

But not all industries love daylight saving time. Television ratings tend to suffer during DST, and networks hate it. Airlines have also complained loudly about increased DST. When DST was lengthened, the Air Transport Associatio­n estimated that the schedule-juggling necessary to keep U.S. flights lined up with internatio­nal travel would cost the industry $147 million. DST hurts other transporta­tion interests, too: Amtrak is known to halt its overnight trains for an hour when clocks change in November so they don’t show up and leave from their 3 a.m. destinatio­ns early. In the spring, trains have to try to make up lost time so they can stick to the schedule. 5. Standard time is standard. Guess what time we’re on for eight months of the year? Daylight saving time. In what universe is something that happens for only one-third of the time the “standard”? Even before the 2007 change, DST ran for seven months out of 12. In fact, some opponents of DST aren’t against daylight saving time per se: They think it should be adopted as the year-round standard time. Because it basically already is.

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