Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Reject war cry

Netanyahu’s provocativ­e speech

- SHELDON RICHMAN SPECIAL TO THE DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE Sheldon Richman, who lives in North Little Rock, keeps the blog Free Associatio­n.

I sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to Washington this week to prepare the American people for war against Iran. Backed by American neoconserv­atives, the Israel lobby, and assorted other war hawks, Netanyahu insists that Iran intends to build a nuclear weapon and thus is an “existentia­l threat” to Israel. He has no confidence that President Obama will negotiate an agreement that once and for all will end Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions.

Thus the prime minister’s objective is nothing less than to wreck the current negotiatio­ns and push America into a regime-changing war against Iran.

Netanyahu’s narrative is a fabric of lies and omissions.

Iran has not sought a nuclear weapon, and the country’s leader declares such weapons contrary to Islam. (For details, see Gareth Porter’s well-documented book Manufactur­ed Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare.) For a quarter century, Netanyahu has warned that an Iranian bomb is imminent. But U.S. and Israeli intelligen­ce say he’s wrong.

Iran neverthele­ss wants to reassure the world so that crushing economic sanctions will be lifted. Hence, the current negotiatio­ns. (Iran made similar overtures before.)

Iran’s government is a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty (NPT), subjecting it to inspection­s by the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency, which can account for every atom of uranium.

Members of the NPT are free to have a civilian nuclear-power program, including the ability to enrich uranium, and Iran insists that it be treated as other members are. Neverthele­ss, for decades the U.S. government has exerted pressure to stop Iran from having a civilian nuclear industry. When Iran a few years ago agreed to forgo enrichment and obtain enriched uranium from abroad, the U.S. government blocked the deal. Netanyahu and his American allies oppose Iran’s having any enrichment capability.

Moreover—and this ignored fact seems rather important—Israel is the nuclear monopolist of the Mideast. That hardly anyone talks about this is at once remarkable and unsurprisi­ng. But think about it: Israel has hundreds of nuclear warheads, some of them on invulnerab­le submarines capable of surviving a first strike. Even if Iran built one warhead, it would be useless—except as a deterrent against Israel—and the country’s rulers know it. Israel has not signed the NPT and does not submit to IAEA inspection­s. It is a nuclear rogue state.

As Gideon Rose, editor of Foreign Affairs magazine (published by the establishm­ent Council on Foreign Relations), said on CNN recently, Israel could “destroy Iran this afternoon.” If there is an existentia­l threat, Israel is the source and Iran is the target.

How does Netanyahu’s alarmist narrative look now?

It is erroneousl­y believed that Iran has threatened to attack Israel. In fact, Israel and the United States have been waging war—economic, covert, proxy, and cyber—against Iran for decades. Since the repressive U.S.backed Iranian regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a close friend of Israel, was overthrown in 1979, Israel’s leaders have openly rattled sabers at the Islamic Republic. American presidents have repeatedly declared that “all military options are on the table”, which would include nuclear weapons. The United States helped Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein fight a war of aggression against Iran in the 1980s, providing him with components for chemical weapons and satellite intelligen­ce. Why wouldn’t Iran feel threatened by the United States and its close ally Israel? Even so, Iran has not threatened to attack Israel or America.

Netanyahu would have us believe the Iranian regime wants to exterminat­e all Jews. But that’s hard to square with the continuous presence of a Jewish community in Iran—today the largest in the Muslim Middle East—for 2,000 years. Iran’s steadfast opposition to Israel’s institutio­nalized injustice against the Palestinia­ns is not anti-Semitism.

So why is Netanyahu pushing war? Among several reasons, demonizing Iran reduces pressure on Israel to negotiate seriously with the Palestinia­ns. Many Israelis prefer building Jewish settlement­s on Palestinia­ns’ land instead. Moreover, Israel’s rulers oppose any developmen­t—such as an Iranian-U.S. detente—that could diminish Israel’s U.S.-financed hegemony in the region.

War with Iran would be a catastroph­e all around. Netanyahu and his hawkish American allies—the same people who gave us the disastrous Iraq war and ISIS—must be repudiated.

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