Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

In the news


Gov. Scott Walker, a Wisconsin Republican who is considerin­g whether to run for president, said during a visit to New Hampshire that his children plan to skip college in the fall to talk to voters in that state but added that he’s not “a declared candidate.”

Lars Vilks, a Swedish artist who has received death threats for drawing the Prophet Muhammad with a dog’s body in 2007, received a freedom-of-speech prize from Denmark’s Free Press Society a month after a gunman in Copenhagen targeted a seminar where Vilks was speaking.

Enda Kenny, the prime minister of Ireland, took time from his U.S. visit to join in St. Patrick’s Day festivitie­s in Atlanta, serving as grand marshal for the city’s St. Patrick’s Day parade and visiting an Irish-themed pub.

Robert Gisevius, a former police officer awaiting retrial on charges in deadly shootings after Hurricane Katrina, was granted his request to be moved from a high-security prison in Florida to the custody of U.S. marshals in New Orleans, citing increasing danger from inmates who learned of his former profession.

Marian Vanghelie, a district mayor in Bucharest, Romania, was arrested on allegation­s of accepting bribes and laundering money, accused of taking a 20 percent cut of contracts worth $475 million between 2007 and this year.

Brittany Young, a 24-year-old from Des Moines, Iowa, who gave birth to a 6-pound, 8-ounce girl in the shower of her home, said she had thought she was 12 weeks pregnant and that she likely misunderst­ood a hospital worker who had earlier told her she was due in 12 weeks.

Willis Mann of Americus, Ga., who police said choked and punched a McDonald’s cashier after arguing that he’d been overcharge­d for his meal, was charged with felony aggravated assault.

Bristol Palin, the daughter of former Alaska governor and vice presidenti­al candidate Sarah Palin, announced that she is engaged to Dakota Meyer, a Medal of Honor recipient who is credited with saving the lives of 36 U.S. and Afghan soldiers during a firefight with the Taliban.

Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi, the main suspect in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks that killed 166 people, was arrested by Pakistani authoritie­s under a new detention order a day after a court canceled an earlier order and granted his release, lawyer Rizwan Abbasi said.

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