Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Names and faces


A woman who said Bill Cosby victimized her decades ago asked Nevada lawmakers Friday to support a bill removing the state’s statute of limitation­s on sexual assault — a provision that prevented her from pursuing a criminal case against the comedian. Lise-Lotte Lublin, 48, told lawmakers that she passed out in the Las Vegas Hilton in 1989 after Cosby gave her two alcoholic drinks. The former model said she remembers Cosby stroking her hair, and then she woke up at home. It was only after hearing similar allegation­s from other women that she concluded that something happened to her while she was unconsciou­s. She said she filed a police report in January but was told Cosby couldn’t be charged because too much time had passed. So she and her husband went to the bill’s sponsor, Democratic Assemblyma­n Irene Bustamante Adams, and urged her to draft the legislatio­n. “I want to empower victims, period, regardless of what happens for me,” Lublin said. Cosby’s publicist, David Brokaw, did not immediatel­y respond to an email message seeking comment Friday. More than 20 women have stepped forward in recent months to accuse Cosby of unwanted advances, sexual assault and rape. Cosby has not been charged with any crimes. Ryan Reynolds said he and wife Blake Lively are protecting their family by keeping details about their infant daughter away from the public. “There’s zero secret about it,” the actor said when he was asked why the couple won’t publicly reveal the baby’s name. “That little girl will grow up to be a teenager who will find out that I blurted her name out on national television and probably make me pay for it,” Reynolds said with a laugh. Reynolds, 38, and Lively, 27, have a history of keeping mum about their personal business. They were married in a secret ceremony in September 2012. Along with not releasing their baby’s name, they also have never said exactly when she was born. Reynolds said that doesn’t mean he believes that he and Lively will get much privacy as a celebrity couple. “When you put yourself in the public eye, you have to accept certain aspects of it,” said Reynolds, who along with Helen Mirren and Katie Holmes stars in Woman of Gold, which premieres in theaters April 3. He said he’s OK with that because he “signed up for this,” but he added that he and Lively are working on ways to keep their lives out of the news. “I think to some degree if you don’t court it, you don’t have to deal with it so much,” he said.

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