Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Clinton got now-classified text

Email releases detail daily agendas, redacted CIA informatio­n.

- LISA LERER, MATTHEW LEE AND JACK GILLUM Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Matthew Daly, Stephen Braun, Eileen Sullivan and Ken Thomas of The Associated Press.

WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton received informatio­n on her private email account about the deadly attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Libya that was on Friday classified “secret” at the request of the FBI, according to documents released Friday.

The nearly 900 pages of her correspond­ence released by the State Department also contained several messages that were deemed sensitive but unclassifi­ed and detailed her daily schedule. Some contained informatio­n about the CIA that was censored in the documents released Friday because the government is barred from publicly disclosing it.

Taken together, the correspond­ence provides examples of material considered to be sensitive that Clinton, a candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidenti­al nomination, received on the account run out of her home. She has said the private server had “numerous safeguards,” but her decision while secretary of state to opt out of a State Department email account has become a political issue.

The Republican-led House committee investigat­ing the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, has used the disclosure­s of her email usage to paint her as secretive and above standard scrutiny. Those attacks killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christophe­r Stevens.

Clinton, campaignin­g in New Hampshire, said Friday that she was aware the FBI now wanted some of the emails to be classified, “but that doesn’t change the fact all of the informatio­n in the emails was handled appropriat­ely.”

Asked if she was concerned that it was on a private server, she replied, “No.”

State Department spokesman Marie Harf said: “It was not classified at the time. The occurrence of subsequent upgrade does not mean anyone did anything wrong.”

It’s not clear whether Clinton’s home computer system used encryption software to communicat­e securely with government email services. That would have protected her communicat­ions from the prying eyes of foreign spies, hackers or others on the Internet.

Last year, Clinton gave the State Department 55,000 pages of emails that she said pertained to her work as secretary of state that were sent from her personal email address. Only messages related to the 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, were released by the department Friday. The 296 emails had already been turned over to the House Benghazi committee.

A Nov. 18, 2012, message about arrests in Libya was not classified at the time, meaning no laws were violated, but was upgraded from “unclassifi­ed” to “secret” on Friday at the request of the FBI.

Twenty-three words were redacted from the message, which detailed reports of arrests in Libya of people who might have connection­s to the attack, Harf said. The redacted portion appears to relate to people who provided informatio­n about the alleged suspects to the Libyans.

No other redactions were made to the collection of Benghazi-related emails for classifica­tion reasons, officials said. They added that the Justice Department had not raised classifica­tion concerns about the now-redacted 1½ lines in the Nov. 18 email when the documents were turned over to the Benghazi committee. The committee retains an unredacted copy of the email, the officials said.

Committee chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said the released emails were incomplete, adding that it “strains credibilit­y” to view them as a thorough record of Clinton’s tenure. Gowdy and others contend that Clinton could have concealed some emails from her tenure as secretary of state since they were housed on a private server.

Clinton also appeared to send and receive protected informatio­n about the CIA, which was withheld Friday because the State Department said federal law prevented its disclosure. The department did not offer a detailed descriptio­n of what it was withholdin­g, such as a name or other sensitive informatio­n.

A number of the messages

were marked with codes indicating that the informatio­n had been censored for reasons related to the U.S. intelligen­ce community, law enforcemen­t or personal privacy — a process that happened after they’d already been circulated through Clinton’s home server.

Much of the correspond­ence concerned the mundane matters of high-level government service, news clippings, speech drafts and coordinati­on of calls with other top officials.

There also are repeated warnings of the unrest in Libya, though Clinton has said she was never personally involved in questions of security in Benghazi before the attack.

One message describes a one-day trip by Stevens in March 2011 to “get a sense of the situation on the ground” and prepare for a 30-day stay in the future. A request for Defense Department support was made, the email adds, but no approval had yet been received. Stevens was killed in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.

As early as April 2011, Clinton was forwarded a message sent to her staff that the situation in the country had worsened to the point “where Stevens is considerin­g departure from Benghazi” The email was marked “Importance: High.”

 ??  ??
 ?? AP/JIM COLE ?? On Friday, the State Department posted 296 Benghazi-related emails from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private server.
AP/JIM COLE On Friday, the State Department posted 296 Benghazi-related emails from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private server.
 ??  ?? More informatio­n
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Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Clinton's emails
More informatio­n on the Web Hillary Rodham Clinton arkansason­­nton Hillary Clinton's emails arkansason­

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