Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Blatter resignatio­n is justice, American style


Maybe now the corruption will cease and desist. Maybe now the extortion will be expunged and the thieves exposed. And maybe, finally, everyone will welcome the United States into the global community as the soccer powerhouse we are today.

We might not raise World Cup trophies or world- class players. But name someone in the world with more impact on the sport right now than U. S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the investigat­ors who got the goods on FIFA?

In three days, FIFA President Sepp Blatter went from being re- elected and saying, “I am president of everybody,” to resigning Tuesday by saying, “FIFA needs profound change.”

The only proper conclusion is Lynch’s posse arrived at Blatter’s doorstep in the interim. He was presented with something suggesting the FBI would indict, extradite and try him for crimes against soccer.

This isn’t just justice the world appreciate­s. It’s also our greatest soccer moment, one even soccer haters can appreciate. It’s Goodfellas with red cards. It’s The Untouchabl­es with The Beautiful Game.

And you want to know the greatest part of all? No one in the world had a bad word to say about us. No one. Not even the French or the Russians. It’s the most unusual twist in something the United States did.

The corporate sponsors, no doubt tired of bribing officials, lined up with applauding statements like this from Coca- Cola: “We believe this decision will help FIFA transform itself rapidly into a much- needed 21st century structure and institutio­n.”

The business model for any internatio­nal sports federation, from the Olympics to FIFA, is to hide the money and politics behind competitio­n, nationalis­m and enough human- interest stories to make you cry like the final scene of Old Yeller.

For decades, everyone knew FIFA trafficked in greed, gluttony and corruption of power. But the world stood by and did nothing. Everyone from soccer teams to corporate sponsors to broadcast partners was afraid of being cut out of the fun.

Enter the U. S. sheriff with wiretaps, extraditio­n papers and key witnesses turning on FIFA. Arrests were made around the globe last week followed by a Casablanca­n reaction of shock — SHOCK, I tell you — from those arrested.

Blatter initially stood firm and arrogant by running for re- election. FIFA confirmed its corrupt culture by re- electing him. Blatter even said on Swiss television: “Why would I step down? That would mean a suggestion of wrongdoing on my part.”

He stepped down Tuesday. He did so with more than a suggestion of wrongdoing.

“I had decided to stand again to be elected because I was convinced it was the best option,” Blatter said. “The elections are closed, but the challenges FIFA is facing have not come to an end.”

He had 20 years as FIFA head to reform. He oversaw corruption, awarding the World Cup to South Africa, to Russia and to Qatar with exponentia­lly more bribes, as The Sunday Times of London documented last year.

Now, on his way out, Blatter has the high comedy to suggest challenges are here and changes should be made? The only challenge for him now looks like whether he’ll cooperate with legal officials to save his freedom or be taken down by his FIFA associates.

We know that’s next on the schedule. We watched Al Capone go down in The Untouchabl­es. It will take years for the complete machine to be dismantled, but the point is it will be dismantled, piece by corrupt piece.

For once Blatter isn’t controllin­g the future of FIFA, the World Cup and the biggest sports stage of them all. The FBI is. Can someone point them to the Olympics next?

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