Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Eastern Ukraine tense after battle

Military claims 80 rebels killed in area of Donetsk suburb


DONETSK, Ukraine — Separatist and government troops in eastern Ukraine stood nervously poised hundreds of yards apart Thursday after a bloody battle that has threatened to demolish what remains of a brittle cease- fire there.

President Petro Poroshenko warned Thursday of a possible large- scale offensive by separatist forces after the violence on the western fringe of the rebel citadel, Donetsk.

But the mood among rebel combatants huddled in a wooded base just beyond the Donetsk suburb of Marinka, where Wednesday’s fighting was centered, suggested only frustratio­n at the lack of a clear battle plan.

“We can’t just sit here in trenches. I think we should only go forward, forward and forward,” said one separatist fighter, who identified himself only by his pseudonym, Abaza.

A journalist who visited Marinka briefly Thursday observed that it appeared to be under the control of Ukrainian government troops, who said they were performing mop- up operations.

The official tally of fighters killed attests to the battle for Marinka being the biggest that eastern Ukraine has seen since February, when an internatio­nally brokered armistice was signed.

Ukraine said five of its servicemen died in combat Wednesday, four of them in or around Marinka. Eduard Basurin, a separatist spokesman, said 14 rebel fighters and five civilians were killed by Ukrainian fire during the day, but he provided no details.

Rebel fighters admitted privately, however, that they likely lost dozens of men. Ukrainian military spokesman Col. Andriy Lysenko claimed about 80 rebels were killed.

The task of monitoring the February cease- fire lies with a mission of the Organizati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe. A special report

hastily compiled by the organizati­on after Wednesday’s fighting strongly suggests the violence was the result of a rebel initiative.

Observers saw multiple armored vehicles moving west through Donetsk on the eve of the battle. The organizati­on reported hearing about 100 outgoing artillery rounds fired at daybreak from a location within separatist- held territory. More heavy fire followed throughout the day.

Rebels insisted they were acting solely in defense against a Ukrainian assault. Their foray into Marinka and their temporary capture of several buildings, including the hospital, were merely a counteratt­ack, they said.

“We pushed them as far as we could, then we held our positions, then we retreated,” said a rebel commander, who identified himself as Dikiy. “There was a violent fight, a heavy fight, from 5 a. m. to 5 p. m.”

Michael Bociurk iw, spokesman for the Organizati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe mission, urged all sides in the conflict to “exercise maximum restraint.”

Bociurkiw also said observers in recent days had found that some heavy weapons that had been pulled back by both sides were missing from the areas where they were being stored.

“This suggests noncomplia­nce” with the cease- fire accord, which requires both sides to pull back large weapons in order to create a buffer zone, Bociurkiw said.

An Associated Press reporter Thursday saw two Grad missile launchers being driven toward the government­controlled town of Artemivsk. Under the cease- fire accord, such weapons were to be withdrawn from that area.

The Ukrainian military freely admitted it used heavy arms in its effort to retain Marinka but said it was left with no choice.

A part of the military’s firepower landed a direct strike on the base from which rebel infantry mounted its offensive. The converted stables set in a copse just within the limits of Donetsk were still smoldering Thursday afternoon.

Several of the fighters — many among them from Russia — complained wearily that their travel documents were among the personal possession­s consumed in the blaze.

Russia has strongly denied sending weapons or troops to back the rebels, despite a broad array of evidence indicating otherwise.

Asked whether President Vladimir Putin could again seek the parliament’s permission for using Russian troops abroad as he did early in the Ukrainian crisis, his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Putin has the right, but emphasized the need to fulfill the cease- fire agreement and avoid steps aimed at escalation of tensions.

Despite fears of a possible full- blown resumption of combat, offensives reverted Thursday to the sporadic shelling that has become a hallmark of the Ukrainian conflict, which has claimed more than 6,400 lives since April 2014.

Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Yevgeny Maloletka, Dmitry Vlasov, Lorne Cooke and Edith M. Lederer of The Associated Press.

 ?? AP/ EVGENIY MALOLETKA ?? Ukrainian armored vehicles travel Thursday on the outskirts of Marinka in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, where government and separatist forces battled Wednesday.
AP/ EVGENIY MALOLETKA Ukrainian armored vehicles travel Thursday on the outskirts of Marinka in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, where government and separatist forces battled Wednesday.

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