Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The budget- busting candidate

- ALBERT R. HUNT Albert R. Hunt is a columnist for Bloomberg News.

Which presidenti­al candidate would be the biggest budget- buster? Bernie Sanders, the welfare- state socialist? Hillary Clinton, the activist- government Democrat? Any of a passel of no- new- taxes Republican­s? Nope. It’s the self- styled arch- conservati­ve, Donald Trump.

The front- running Republican makes lavish promises to boost spending on immigratio­n, the military, veterans and other causes while cutting taxes for the middle class and resisting proposals for offsetting savings.

He’s not one for offering lots of policy specifics, and it may be too much to ask for a populist firebrand to exhibit fiscal responsibi­lity. Still, Trump makes plenty of proposals. It’s fair to wonder how much they’d cost.

The most detailed Trump plank is on immigratio­n, including plans to deport 11 million undocument­ed immigrants and to erect a 1,900- mile wall along the Mexican border. Jeb Bush has said those would cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Some analysts say that’s a conservati­ve estimate.

Trump has also vowed to build up the U. S. military, charging that enemies know America “is getting weaker.” That’s big- ticket budgeting. He boasts he’ll exceed the efforts of President Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain to help veterans. In New Hampshire, he promised to build “a full- service, first- class VA hospital.” Not cheap. Other early caucus or primary states probably can expect similar promises of largesse.

The money apparently won’t come from trimming entitlemen­ts. “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican, and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid,” Trump insists.

He has pledged to eliminate the carriedint­erest loophole that reduces taxes for privateequ­ity and hedge- fund executives. He implies that would help finance a big middle- class tax cut. It wouldn’t help much. Cutting taxes by 1 percentage point for the middle class would cost about $ 500 billion over a decade, the Congressio­nal Budget Office says. Ending the carriedint­erest exemption would raise about $ 2 billion a year, according to the U. S. Treasury.

Trump has threatened to slap tariffs on Chinese and other imports, suggesting that would provide cash and improve American competitiv­eness. More likely it would raise the cost of products to American consumers without those accompanyi­ng benefits.

Sanders has made lavish spending promises and also wouldn’t cut entitlemen­ts. He has, however, also promised huge offsetting tax increases on the wealthy and corporatio­ns, however unrealisti­cally. Similarly, Republican­s who forswear tax increases propose all sorts of unlikely spending reductions to keep the budget under control.

Budget control? On that topic Trump, uncharacte­ristically, doesn’t have much to say.

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