Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time- saving hint to Heloise, P. O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279- 5000; fax to ( 210) 435- 6473; or email Heloise@ Heloise. com

DEAR READERS: Here is this week’s Sound Off:

“I love that sticks of butter are wrapped in paper with the measuremen­t lines. It’s easy to measure the right amount, especially when you have already used part of the stick.”

— Joy L., Washington

DEAR READERS: Here are other uses for old bird cages:

Paint and use as a plant holder.

Take off the top to use as a magazine holder. Store yarn or scrap fabric. Put ina fireplace, with candles. Hang outside as a bird feeder.

DEAR HELOISE: There are always hints on protecting personal informatio­n. Here is what we do: I shred paperwork that has identifyin­g informatio­n, especially a Social Security number or credit- card informatio­n. But I still worried, so we put it in the compost pile.

— Stan S., text from cellphone DEAR READER: Stan, this is one way to really protect sensitive informatio­n. I always wonder, though, if thieves will go through garbage, pick out shredded paper and piece it together. Buy the best shredder you can — a crosshatch does the job — and then you don’t have to worry.

For readers without a compost pile, separate the shredded paper into different garbage bags or bins if you are concerned. Once your garbage is off your property — say, on the public curb — it’s no longer yours, and anyone can legally go through it.

DEAR HELOISE: I only buy the packs of adhesive bandages in drugstores and supermarke­ts that have the various sizes. Most of the time I use the smaller ones, but they are more expensive. I ran out of the smaller ones and was going to make a trip to the store, but my husband said to just cut the larger ones at both ends to make them smaller. They work great!

— Samantha in California

DEAR HELOISE: It can be hard to pour the grease from pans into a collection container. I use a turkey baster to suck up the grease from the pan and place it in an empty aluminum can.

— W. Smyth in Utah DEAR READER: A reminder, folks: Do not pour grease ( hot or cold) down the sink!

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