Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Solo dining less lonely now, decades- long analysis shows


In 1985, The New York Times published a snippet of comforting news for self- conscious solo eaters. “Dining alone,” the newspaper reassured readers, “is no longer viewed as odd.” At the time, eating spaghetti and meatballs by yourself wasn’t exactly the norm. A second article, which ran only seven months later in the Times, chronicled the stigma of solo dinners.

Thirty years later, thanks to a range of social and cultural trends, eating alone has become less of an occasional exercise than a fact of life. Nearly half of all meals and snacks are now eaten in solitude, according to a new report by industry trade associatio­n the Food Marketing Institute. The frequency varies by meal — people are more likely to eat breakfast by themselves than lunch or dinner — but the popularity of solo dining is, no doubt, on the rise, and has been for some time.

“Even the foods that people are gravitatin­g toward when snacking are the kinds we tend to have by ourselves,” says Darren Seifer, an industry analyst at market research firm NPD Group.

Indeed, a 1999 survey found that the number of people who ate alone at least part of time tripled between the 1960s and 1990s. By 2006, nearly 60 percent of Americans regularly ate on their own, according to the American Time Use Survey. And today that number is even higher.

Breakfast has undergone the most significan­t transforma­tion. Roughly 53 percent of all breakfasts are now eaten alone, whether at home, in the car, or at one’s desk, according to the latest report.

Lunch meanwhile is nearly as lonely these days. Some 45 percent of midday meals are had alone, according to the report.

Dinner is the only meal that is still largely communal. Roughly three- quarters of all suppers are still eaten with others today. But even that is changing.

“Every meal is becoming a more solitary affair, even dinner,” Seifer says. “People are eating alone at home and out.”

One of the clearest reasons for the shift is something that has been happening to American households, gradually, for decades: They have been getting smaller. Over the more than 40- year span between 1970 and 2012, the percentage of households that contained a single person grew from 17 percent to 27 percent, according to Census Bureau data.

“Only 13 percent of households had one person in them in the 1960s,” says Seifer, who credits marriage and family trends with the rise of the single- person American household. “People are either delaying marriage or putting off the formation of families after they get married more and more these days.”

All in all, Americans have been less enthused about settling down than ever before. The share of never- married Americans is at an all- time high, according to the Pew Research Center. One out of every five people over the age of 25 in this country has never been married. For comparison, the number was one in 10 back in 1960.

People are also eating alone because they’re pressed for time.

The death of the family breakfast, which has particular­ly hurt the demand for orange juice and milk, is perhaps the best example. Working adults, strapped for time, are eating breakfast on the go. Look no further than the success of fast- food breakfasts, which have prioritize­d portabilit­y, for evidence. And that’s if they’re eating breakfast at all: Americans have been eating breakfast less often for some 20 years running.

Lunch has lost its luster, too. A 2012 survey found that 65 percent of working Americans either eat lunch at their desks or don’t eat lunch at all.

What exactly the rise of the solo meal means for society is unclear. There are confusing suggestion­s, for instance, about how eating alone might affect health. The practice has been associated with smaller portions, which could bode well for a country in need of some downsizing, and less nutritious diets, which does not.

There are also various cultural adaptation­s that are helping those who eat alone to cope with the experience, especially when out at restaurant­s. Solo diners, so often enveloped in some kind of technology, show up by themselves but occupied.

“It’s almost rare now that a single diner will walk in without some type of device,” says Mark Politzer, Georgetown Four Seasons restaurant Bourbon Steak’s general manager, told The Washington Post in 2011. “It’s really changed the experience for single diners. It’s less awkward for them, but they’re more engaged in work or whatever else they’re doing on their device than in having a conversati­on with us or focusing on the meal.”

Catering to the growing pool of solo diners will likely require more than observing that a device can help ease the discomfort of sitting by oneself. Some restaurant­s, realizing this, have already made strides to connect with solo diners. Communal dining ( de regulier in Europe) and benchlike seating, which Jose Andres’ Beefsteak features, allow solo diners to eat alone without feeling like they’re occupying a table made for two. One restaurant in Amsterdam, meanwhile, forgoes the option to eat with others entirely, requiring instead that patrons eat by themselves.

“At this point, it really does behoove a restaurant to accommodat­e single diners,” Seifer says. “Even just having a larger bar setup could help make the space more enticing for people to come in and dine by themselves.”

But for all the hoopla about braving the restaurant world alone, the breakfasts, lunches and dinners being eaten without companions these days aren’t happening at fancy eateries or fast- food chains. Most of them, in fact, are being eaten in the comfort of one’s home. What that has meant so far is more delivery.

The food industry understand­s this, which is why restaurant­s across the country have signed up to delivery services in droves. And the changes are likely only beginning.

“This is the sort of thing that is going to continue for a long time,” Seifer says. “There’s a chance the rise [ in eating out] might slow in 10 years or so, but I don’t know. It’s certainly not going to go in the opposite direction. That’s for sure.”

 ?? Democrat- Gazette fi le photo ?? It’s not unusual to see people lunching alone in restaurant­s such as the Green Leaf Grill, in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield building at 601 S. Gaines St.
Democrat- Gazette fi le photo It’s not unusual to see people lunching alone in restaurant­s such as the Green Leaf Grill, in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield building at 601 S. Gaines St.

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