Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Peace plan fails Colombia, ex-leader says

- JOSHUA GOODMAN AND JACOBO GARCIA Informatio­n for this report was contribute­d by Libardo Cardona of The Associated Press.

BOGOTA, Colombia — Former President Alvaro Uribe criticized the internatio­nal community for applauding a recent breakthrou­gh in his successor’s peace talks with leftist rebels, saying the deal undermines the rule of law in Colombia.

Uribe said it’s a double standard for the U.S. and Europe to demand jail time for terrorists from Spanish separatist group ETA, the Irish Republican Army or al-Qaida but expect Colombia to demonstrat­e leniency to guerrillas accused of atrocities during the country’s five-decade civil conflict.

“I’m more worried about what Colombians think than the internatio­nal community because we are the ones who are going to have to live with the consequenc­es of what’s happening,” Uribe said.

Current President Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolution­ary Armed Forces of Colombia announced an agreement last week on punishment for war crimes, a breakthrou­gh in 3-year-old talks that paves the way for a final accord within six months.

Under the agreement, rebels who confess abuses to special peace tribunals, compensate victims and promise not to take up arms again will receive a maximum eight years of labor under unspecifie­d conditions, but not prison time. War crimes committed by Colombia’s military will also be judged by the tribunals. Combatants caught lying will face penalties of up to 20 years in prison.

Uribe left office in 2010 with an 80 percent approval rating after having driven the Revolution­ary Armed Forces of Colombia from major cities, leading to a big drop in kidnapping­s and killings. Now a senator for his fledgling Democratic Center party, he remains a key power broker. In August, before the recent breakthrou­gh, he had an approval rating almost double that of Santos, who was Uribe’s defense minister.

As the Revolution­ary Armed Forces of Colombia’s most vocal critic, Uribe is one of Colombia’s most heavily guarded politician­s, crisscross­ing the country protected by more than 20 bodyguards and a caravan of armor-plated SUVs.

But as the peace talks have advanced, he has found himself more isolated politicall­y, with even former allies in the U.S. privately criticizin­g his rejection of the negotiatio­ns. Many Colombian victims, the United Nations and the Internatio­nal Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor have expressed cautious optimism about the talks.

He has also seen his reputation tarnished by the conviction or investigat­ion of several former allies for illegally wiretappin­g political opponents and ties to right-wing militias with which he negotiated a peace deal while in power.

Uribe said he is not opposed to a peace deal, but rebel leaders need to pay for war crimes in a more meaningful way to ensure justice for victims. He noted his decision to extradite more than a dozen right-wing warlords to the U.S. on drug charges after finding they reneged on a peace deal.

He objects to Colombian military personnel, who are accused of killing 3,000 civilians falsely labeled as rebels during his administra­tion, being tried before foreign judges in the same special tribunals that will mete out punishment­s for the Revolution­ary Armed Forces of Colombia.

For now, he said he will press his case about the deal’s risks in the run-up to an eventual referendum.

“We’ll fight with or without support,” he said. “We’re used to undertakin­g these fights alone.”

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