Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Childish name-calling


In my opinion, Mr. Philip Warner has again resorted to adding childish name-calling to the current political debate. Warner’s recent letter clearly illustrate­s extreme “Trumpish” conservati­ve thinking run amok.

In his letter it seems he describes different American minority groups as “brown pride midgets,” “termite loco savages” and “wicked brown suspects.” There is no excuse in today’s world for an adult to use such vulgar and unacceptab­le language. We adults wish that Warner would grow up and act like a civil person.

Well-informed Americans know that diverse minority groups together will soon comprise the majority of voters in the U.S. The sooner stragglers adjust to the reality, the sooner they will have peace in their daily lives.

The GOP and many of its followers apparently have not been able to adjust to the fact that the majority of American voters have chosen a president with African heritage twice.

I believe the Republican­s’ current Trump fiasco is the end result of their own doing as the Party of No. They have said no to virtually everything our President Barack Obama has acted on for the last seven years. Now its members are acting out of pure frustratio­n for the lack of anything positive from the Party of No and have placed their hope in a nonpolitic­al candidate. Warner and Trump have not added positive contributi­ons to the daily dialogue, and Warner’s letter continues his negative thoughts.

America is great and has always been great. America does not need Donald Trump and his followers to pretend to make America great, get it ? PORFIRIO GUTIERREZ

Bella Vista

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