Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BOBBY WOLFF If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

The single biggest problem in communicat­ion is the illusion that it has taken place.

— George Bernard Shaw

Today’s deal came up in a duplicate pairs game. East decided that his balanced hand with weak trumps and soft cards on the side meant that he was far better suited for a simple spade raise rather than a pre-emptive raise. The only alternativ­e to the pre-emptive raise would have been a mixed raise, which requires a little extra side-suit shape and maybe the spade queen instead of the two.

East was correct that his side should be defending, not declaring, but he undid all his good work immediatel­y. When South declared four hearts on a top diamond lead, the 10 going to the queen and ace, he played off his two top trumps, then took three rounds of clubs, ruffing the third in hand. He next crossed to the diamond jack and pitched a loser on the fourth club as East ruffed in. There were still two black-suit losers to come, but the contract was secure.

Can you see where the defensive mistake came? At trick one, East’s decision to cover the diamond queen was an error. Had he ducked the diamond, there would have been no delayed entry to dummy in a side-suit. Now, no matter what declarer does, he cannot reach the establishe­d clubs, and he will be left with three plain losers and a trump loser.

For the record, if West did not have the diamond eight and East had the spade entry, covering the first diamond might be the only way to avoid a later endplay.

ANSWER: You are facing a takeout double, and you do have four spades … but there are limits. With a very weak spade suit and potential half-tricks on the side, this feels as if it is much closer to a pass than a call of four spades. While this could certainly be wrong, I cannot see four spades making unless four hearts is likely to be defeated. The reverse does not apply.

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