Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Bonhoeffer, Miracles author to speak


Best-selling author and radio host Eric Metaxas will be the featured speaker during the inaugural “Insights: A Series of Lectures and Talks” program Nov. 7 at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Little Rock.

Metaxas is known for his

best-seller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy as well as for his biography of William Wilberforc­e titled Amazing Grace. He has also written more than 30 children’s books. In addition to writing, and his speaking schedule, Metaxas hosts the nationally syndicated radio program The Eric Metaxas Show and is a commentato­r on the radio program BreakPoint along with John Stonestree­t.

During his visit to the cathedral, Metaxas will be discussing his latest best-seller, Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen and How They Can Change Your Life.

The author said he was initially resistant when his editor pushed him to write a book about miracles. He finally decided the subject needed a balanced approach toward the supernatur­al, with neither a wide-eyed gullibilit­y nor a sneering skepticism.

“Most people are interested in the nature of reality. Is there anything beyond this world? Is there such a thing as miracles? That goes to the very core of who we are as human beings,” Metaxas said. “Writing a primer seemed worth doing.”

The book features firsthand stories of miracles, as well as an emphasis on scientific discoverie­s.

“Most people would assume science is at odds with faith, and that’s flat-out untrue. It’s one of the great lies of our age,” Metaxas said. “I wanted to address that.”

Metaxas said the stories about miracles in the book “are nothing less than mind-blowing” and also thought-provoking.

“My challenge to people is ‘What do you make of this? If it’s not a miracle, tell me what happened. Am I lying? What is your solution to this?’” he said.

Metaxas, who lives in New York with his wife and daughter, was raised in the Greek Orthodox Church but fell away from the faith while attending Yale University.

“I found it wasn’t really tenable to believe in the basics of the Christian faith,” he said. “It was so secular and really hostile that you had to put that on hold.”

After he graduated, he had what he calls a miraculous conversion experience.

“I’ve spent the last 25 years, I would say, trying to understand these things so I can explain them to people who are interested,” he said. “That’s what this book is in some ways.”

Metaxas, who attends an Episcopal church, said he views his return to faith as a starting line, not the finish line.

“As you go through life hopefully your faith matures. It becomes less intellectu­al and more incarnatio­nal. You become more and more aware of your own shortcomin­gs and hopefully become a better person. I would like to think that has happened,” he said. “For me, I always say I crossed the starting line in ’88.”

The Insights program will begin with a reception for sponsors and patrons at 5:30 p.m. Metaxas will speak at 6:30 and a public reception will follow. Tickets are $25 for general seating and $100 for patrons (which includes an invitation to the sponsors and patrons reception, as well as reserved seating). Tickets are available online at insightsme­taxas.

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral is at 310 W. 17th St. Informatio­n is available online at trinitylit­tlerock. org or by calling (501) 372-0294.

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Eric Metaxas

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