Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



Happy birthday. This year features more time with people you’re excited to be with — people who make you laugh and think differentl­y. A new role in November develops into an exciting venture in 2016. Travel will change your worldview. A sacrifice will free your options, and by May you’ll find this was well worthwhile.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Send your imaginatio­n soaring. At the intersecti­on of fantasy and reality will be a truly memorable bit of fun that could only happen under tonight’s rather perfect circumstan­ces.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You’ll be ready for the spotlight to swivel in your direction, not because you formally prepared for it, but because you’re so filled with confidence and levity.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21): The dreams of yesteryear are what make tonight so sweet. It’s as though someone is answering your long-ago wishes in ways you never could have imagined at the time.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): Hesitation is for those who fear making mistakes. Halloween reminds you not to fear. Go ahead. While the insecure wait, you’ll get busy making mistakes, learning from them and becoming a master.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You don’t scare easily, but when you do get spooked, the adrenaline rush could send you into the arms of a heroic or comforting type who is very happy to have you there.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Each person you interact with gets a different version of you. (Everyone is this way to some extent.) You’ll have an increased awareness of how a certain person makes you feel about yourself.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): Your ancestry will play into your choices tonight — where you go, how you dress, whom you talk to. It’s as though you’re being whispered to by the ones who walked there before you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): You’ll have a heartfelt exchange with someone who, like you, is a giver. There’s more of this to come — good! You deserve to be with a person who is going to meet you at least halfway.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You’ll be energized by your accidental place in the events of the day. The principles of randomness and chance will favor you restoring your belief in your Jupiter-ruled guidance system.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’ve hit your tolerance with being correct and tasteful in all matters. A wild, adventurou­s spirit takes hold. This will be reflected in your costume and/or approach to the night’s shenanigan­s.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): It’s the details that make your efforts effective and your night one for the ages. When you share your astute observatio­ns, someone will think you’re either a psychic or a mind reader.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Not all ghosts are wailing, see-through creatures. Some are exes, acts of the past that come back to haunt you or desires that keep showing up unannounce­d and uninvited in your being.

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