Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Curtailing teen births now a higher-ed goal

It’s devising plan for college campuses


Incoming college students next fall will begin receiving informatio­n during orientatio­n to raise awareness about unplanned pregnancie­s.

Earlier this year, state legislator­s passed Act 943 of 2015, following a similar move taken by Mississipp­i policymake­rs last year.

The bipartisan law — sponsored by Reps. Deborah Ferguson, D-West Memphis, and Robin Lundstrum, R-Springdale — gives the state Higher Education Coordinati­ng Board the task of developing a plan for preventing unplanned pregnancie­s in Arkansas, which has the highest rate of teen births in the nation.

“This came about because Deborah Ferguson and I were both frustrated at the teen pregnancy rate in Arkansas,” Lundstrum said. “It’s usually about the college freshman who gets into school and gets into trouble.”

The most frustratin­g part, she said, was seeing the students’ “lost hope” and “lost potential.” Many times, teens who have unplanned pregnancie­s have a harder time making it through postsecond­ary education. They also are more likely to have another teen birth, research has shown.

“This is about keeping that young lady and that young man in college,” Lundstrum said.

The plan comes at a time when the state’s higher-education leaders are looking to raise college completion and graduation rates. Decreasing the number of unplanned pregnancie­s among older teens could help boost those numbers.

Teenage birthrates have fallen nationwide to historic lows. In 2013, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the teen birthrate in the U.S. was 26.5 births per 1,000 girls ages 1519. That rate is down about 57 percent since 1991, when the federal agency recorded 61.8 births per 1,000 teenage girls.

The federal health and research agency found that

Arkansas had the highest teen birthrate in 2013, with 43.5 births per 1,000 girls ages 1519. The rate nearly doubles to 82.7 births per 1,000 girls for ages 18 and 19, according to the agency.

Arkansas spent about $129 million on teen childbeari­ng in 2013, with about 4,155 teen births, state records show.

Legislator­s said the state’s colleges and universiti­es are “a critical venue” for addressing unplanned pregnancie­s in older teens.

In 2014, Mississipp­i lawmakers called on higher-education leaders in that state to create a plan to address the issue. It was the first effort of its kind in the nation.

Higher-education leaders there submitted their plan later that year, focusing on “three Cs: curriculum, counseling and health care clinics on campuses,” said Kell Smith, director of communicat­ions and legislativ­e services at the Mississipp­i Community College Board.

They asked for about $1.2 million — $50,000 for each of the state’s 15 community colleges, eight universiti­es and its medical center — to implement the plan.

Instead, Mississipp­i legislator­s allocated $250,000 for the plan’s implementa­tion and came up with a funding formula, giving the lion’s share — about $41,000 — to the state’s largest two-year college, Hinds Community College, and the smallest portion — about $7,700 — to its smallest two-year school, Coahoma Community College in Clarksdale, Smith said.

“To be honest with you, each university already has in place health care clinics,” he said, addressing why the state’s universiti­es did not receive funding. “They might have been further along because oftentimes they have more resources than we do.”

On July 1, Mississipp­i’s higher-education institutio­ns began rolling out the plan. It looked different at each campus, with some schools incorporat­ing the material into freshmen orientatio­n, and others hiring more employees to drive the initiative, Smith said.

Smith said he was beginning to collect informatio­n on the colleges’ efforts, but it was too soon to know what the results would be.

In Arkansas, higher-education leaders aren’t looking to reinvent the wheel.

A 25-member working group — led by Angela Lasiter, a program specialist at the Higher Education Department — has looked over free materials from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy that are available to colleges and universiti­es. The national nonprofit created online lessons and videos that can be used in orientatio­n sessions and student courses.

“We’re going to produce our own videos,” Lasiter said. “We want to create something that is Arkansas.”

The videos will include Arkansans, who had unplanned pregnancie­s, talking about some of the obstacles they face, she said. The group will start production of the videos after Christmas.

The working group also considered five areas to address in the orientatio­n materials: pregnancy prevention, interactiv­e and engaging online availabili­ty, connecting students with services, discussion­s on responsibl­e behaviors, and a program that would cover family planning and contracept­ion.

It also considered ways to present the informatio­n, including residence-hall orientatio­n sessions, campus townhall events and meetings of student organizati­ons, including fraterniti­es, sororities and athletic teams.

The materials will be for female and male college students.

The plan also calls for identifyin­g the challenges that single parents face, including child care, transporta­tion and financial aid. It also hopes to tap the opportunit­ies of having current college students reach out to younger teens to serve as “mentors or role models of successful behaviors and healthy choices.”

The mentoring will be modeled on an education renewal zone — an initiative to improve public school performanc­e and student success — at Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia, Lasiter said. SAU students and the zone’s director, Roger Guevara, go into area schools and mentor the younger children on various topics, she said.

“We’re going to take the work that [SAU] is doing and model that in other schools, if they would like to do that,” Lasiter said. “None of this is prescripti­ve.”

Some of the state’s higher-education institutio­ns already go beyond the legislator­s’ call, leaders said.

At the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, incoming students have discussion­s about sexual responsibi­lity in “a creative and fun way,” said Marie Sandusky, the university’s director of health services and a family nurse practition­er. UALR students also take part in an annual multimedia event, where they watch a video on students who had unplanned pregnancie­s.

“I remember one young girl who said she could only study when [the baby’s] asleep,” Sandusky said. “[The video] brought the message home in a personal way. These are students that they can relate to and would help them get a wake-up call.”

Also during the event, a large number of people are placed in a room with chairs, some of which have index cards in them. The index cards indicate the percentage of students who will have unplanned pregnancie­s by the end of the year, Sandusky said.

“We try to use fun, light ways to help them be aware and make conscious decisions,” she said.

Another avenue that the university has used is a student organizati­on that meets weekly in the residence halls. There, students talk about healthy relationsh­ips, abstaining from sex or practicing sex in a responsibl­e way.

Things weren’t always this way at UALR, Sandusky said. When she joined the university in 2008, there were not comprehens­ive student health services, she said.

The school had “many students” who would get started in college, and then find out they were pregnant, she said. “It’s really heartbreak­ing to tell someone that news when they weren’t planning for it.”

It’s a bigger disappoint­ment for students who had to work hard to get into college in the first place, she said.

Sandusky said she lobbied the university’s administra­tion at the time and got to help the university’s health services office.

The office can run laboratory tests and works alongside counselors, who provide individual­ized education and help walk students through situations. Counselors hold decisions about abstinence, or if the student is sexually active, about parenting and delaying parenting, she said.

Not all colleges and universiti­es in the state have on-campus clinics. In a survey of the state’s schools, about eight higher-education institutio­ns said they didn’t provide health services on campus.

But Sandusky said even smaller colleges can find ways to provide health services to students by partnering with local clinics. Or, she said, a small school could hire a practition­er to visit the campus once a week instead of hiring a full-time nurse.

Sandusky applauded the state’s recognitio­n of the teen pregnancy problem and its efforts to address it on a larger scale.

“For a lot of students, they don’t really realize that they can get pregnant,” she said. “I think it has to do with their age, their stage in life — they’re just not through growing up.”

Often, they feel invincible, like “it’ll never happen to me,” she said.

“Raising awareness, education and providing services can really make a difference,” she said. “Teenagers are getting sex education whether or not we’re planning it the way we want to. Certainly, when we’re looking at how important it is for retention and graduation and for students in this state to be successful, [unplanned pregnancie­s] can really delay that and certainly hijack that. It’s just so much harder.”

Higher-education leaders there submitted their plan later that year, focusing on “three Cs: curriculum, counseling and health care clinics on campuses,” said Kell Smith, director of communicat­ions and legislativ­e services at the Mississipp­i Community College Board.

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