Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The growing gluten-free food frenzy


Iwas in Venice a few weeks ago, where friends reported seeing a restaurant menu with the following important message emblazoned it: “We do not serve gluten-free food.”

It was easy to imagine an exasperate­d Italian proprietor, driven to frenzy by repeated requests from Americans for gluten-free pasta, finally deciding to cut short such exchanges with this blunt pre-emptive blow.

Rough translatio­n: My way or the highway. If you don’t like my pasta the way la Mamma has always made it, try someplace else.

Gluten is the main protein component of wheat, rye and barley. Wheat was first cultivated about 12,000 years ago, and it’s safe to say gluten has never had as hard a time as in recent years. The hunter-gatherer turned cultivator would be appalled at what he has wrought. Free-associate from the word “gluten” these days and you’ll probably come up with poison. This column, by the way, is gluten-free. Please feel at liberty to read on.

There has been a huge and mysterious rise in celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that results in damage to the small intestine when gluten is ingested. According to the Mayo Clinic website, four times as many people suffer from celiac disease as 60 years ago, and roughly one in 100 people are now affected. Why is unclear. Perhaps it’s the way gluten products are prepared today or even, some have suggested, the result of a bored immune system looking for new targets.

But the gluten-free trend is not just about multiplyin­g celiac sufferers. People decide gluten must be bad for them because they see shelves full of gluten-free food at supermarke­ts. Forms of food intoleranc­e, whether to wheat or dairy products or something else, have reached near-epidemic levels among the global middle class.

Special dietary needs are all the rage. Allergies, real or imagined, multiply. One in five Britons now claim some form of intoleranc­e, yet a 2010 Portsmouth University study found the claims were often unfounded. The narcissism of minor difference­s finds expression in the food-intoleranc­e explosion: Having a special dietary requiremen­t is one way to feel special in the prevailing “me” culture.

But I don’t want to show the intoleranc­e of the omnivore for faddish food particular­ism, however overblown it may be. There’s a lot that’s good in food fetishes.

People are more aware of what they eat and how they want to feel as a result of what they eat. They are more demanding, with instant access to the informatio­n they need to make shrewd dietary choices. And they are surely not wrong to blame processed food and manipulate­d food and greater pollution and stress for certain allergies.

The political, it often seems, has become personal. Where people wanted to change the world, now they want to change their bodies. Wellness is a political pursuit because it involves choices about food that will impact the planet. Eating local or eating organic or both are lifestyle statements that have become engaged political acts. The pursuit of wellness, increasing­ly tied to the pursuit of beauty and agelessnes­s, stands at the heart of the current zeitgeist. I eat well, therefore I am.

People, if they have a choice (and it’s worth recalling that much of humanity still does not), are eating better. That’s good. But there is also a downside that has to do with self-indulgence, commercial manipulati­on, the rampant anxiety associated with “affluenza” and narcissist­ic fussiness.

Some years ago I was told about the experience of a London caterer who had provided the food for a birthday party for Lord Carrington, who is now 96. The caterer asked if any of the aged crowd had special dietary requiremen­ts. There were none among the many octogenari­an and nonagenari­an guests. They were happy to eat anything.

More recently, another friend told me of her sister’s experience with a large house party in Scotland last summer. When the sister inquired about any special dietary needs, many requests came in, particular­ly from the younger crowd. Hardly anyone aged between 18 and 25 was up for eating anything. One young woman wrote: “I can’t eat shellfish but I do eat lobster.” Right.

If people over 80 will eat anything yet people under 25 are riddled with allergies, something unhealthy is going on—and it’s going on most conspicuou­sly in the most aggressive, competitiv­e, unequal, individual­istic, anxiety-ridden and narcissist­ic societies where enlightenm­ent about food has been offset by the sort of compulsive anxiety about it that can give rise to imagined intoleranc­es and allergies.

Overall, I’m with the Venetian restaurant owner making his stand for tradition, la Mamma and eating the food that’s put on your plate. Gluten has done OK by humanity for upward of 10 millennia. It’s bad for some people, but the epidemic of food intoleranc­e has gone way over the top.

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