Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


Kelley Bass


DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: Aug. 16, 1959, Little Rock

THE LAST PLACE I VISITED WAS Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, for a week of sun, swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving with friends. I WOULD LIKE TO VISIT: Tuscany THE BEST JOB I’VE EVER HAD WAS: I’ve enjoyed every job I’ve had while I was doing it, but looking back after leaving I realized maybe I was better off having moved on. My nine years at Acxiom were certainly the most transforma­tive for my career.

I WAS NERVOUS WHEN I MET Mary Steenburge­n, though I quickly realized there was no reason to be.

PEOPLE SAY I LOOK LIKE: Back in his NBA heyday, people said I looked like Larry Bird, though I was decidedly shorter, heavier and less well compensate­d.

ON MY BEDSIDE TABLE YOU WILL FIND my smartphone charging for another day of heavy activity.

MY WIFE CALLS ME all sorts of things, and all of them are incredibly sweet.

MY LAST MEAL WOULD CONSIST OF Crispy Wright’s bacon on toasted Boulevard Bread, slathered with Duke’s mayonnaise and rendered even more heavenly by a thick slab of carbon tomato from Alan Leveritt’s garden.

MY BIGGEST SELF-INDULGENCE IS: The summertime sandwich I just detailed, consumed more often than any person should, at least for one month during prime Arkansas tomato season.

ON A TYPICAL SATURDAY, I will take a long walk with Ashli through the River Market, across the Clinton Center Bridge and along the North Little Rock side of the Arkansas River Trail before settling in for some afternoon sports watching, particular­ly during college football season.

MY WEEKDAY ALARM IS SET FOR: I typically get up at 5:30 a.m. on weekdays with no alarm clock needed. I somehow have a knack for waking up at whatever time I need to. Ashli doesn’t get it.

MY BEST HALLOWEEN COSTUME: Florence Griffith Joyner — replete with one-leg tights, really long fingernail­s, a couple of Olympic gold medals and a fabulous wig. I WON’T EAT salmon. THE BEST ADVICE I HAVE EVER RECEIVED: Don’t ever confuse activity with results.


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