Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000,San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: With winter on the way, cold weather means it’s time to check the furnace and fireplace, and review the dangers of carbon monoxide. Known as the “silent killer,” carbon monoxide is odorless and tasteless, and you can’t see it, either. It can come from the exhaust of heaters and furnaces. It can creep up on you, sort of like you have the flu. These are some of the symptoms: dizziness, nausea and an extreme tired feeling.

How to prevent carbonbuil­d up? Good ventilatio­n around appliances. Never use the oven or dryer to heat a room. Carbon monoxide detectors installed close to bedrooms are critical. (You can call 211 to see if you qualify for a free detector.)

If you suspect carbon-monoxide poisoning (most likely, everyone in the family would be feeling sick or headachy), do the following: Open doors and windows. Shut off fuel-burning appliances.

Leave the dwelling right away.

Call the fire department (911) and your utility company. (Do not call from your home phone.)

Be safe, not sorry!

DEAR HELOISE: I have this beautiful, large, antique bronze swan that is dingy-looking. What do you suggest for cleaning it?

— Violet P., Rosenberg, Texas DEAR READER: If the bronze swan is a real antique, you may not want to clean it before checking with an antique shop first. If it’s just a swan and really doesn’t have much value, clean away. You can use the old standby: a few drops of soap and warm water, a soft cloth and elbow grease. Rinse well and dry. If it’s large, do yourself a favor and buy commercial cleaner.

DEAR HELOISE: My friend’s daughter dropped a bottle of perfume on her tile floor in the bathroom. It spilled everywhere. She sprinkled baking soda over the entire stain and swept it up. She wiped the floor with rubbing alcohol, and left a fresh bowl of baking soda on the bathroom counter for the rest of the day. The strong scent went away. — Elizabeth in San Antonio DEAR READER: Baking soda will help remove and neutralize many odors. A small bowl absorbs only so much. If it’s an entire room, sprinkle baking soda in the top of a shoe box or a large roasting pan and set on the counter.

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